Murchison was quite a small town and didn't have a lot going on, but we wanted to try Whitewater rafting so we booked ourselves in for the next morning at Bulla Gorge and just had a little wonder round the tiny town.
The next day we went back into town and started getting ready. The group of people we were with were a really good laugh and there were people from France, Australia, the Uk and a few other places. All in all it was a nice mixture. The couple from Australia were actually born in the UK and they were a fair bit older than most. She was looking pretty nervous, which kind of made me feel a bit better about being scared but as the saying goes 'Feel the fear and do it anyway!' Once we got down to the water the guide was telling us what to do if you fall out and I heard him say something like 'if you fall out, keep your legs up and knees together coz you don't want to meet a big rock along the way with your legs dangling down!' WHAT!!!!????!!!! Luckily, Ant had promised to save me should that happen, so off we went on our merry way. was ace! There were a few points where it was quite scary but all in all it was tame enough to make us want to do it again! We actually decided that it could have been a bit rougher even, so really pleased that we did it, loved it and had a great laugh!
Near the end, there was a bit they said we couldn't go down because the water just sucked you down and chucked you out later so we all got out of the boat and walked along a bit. Then he said we could either get back in the boat, or go down the rapids on our own. We decided that it would be fun to do it, so one by one (pretty much like lemmings!) we jumped in. Ant didn't even hesitate, just jumped front first into the water after checking I was right behind him. Me on the other hand let a few people go ahead whilst I plucked up the courage to do it! In the end I just threw myself and wasn't quite prepared to be engolfed in strong currents and after just about recouperating, another wave of water hit me and went up my nose and down my throat. It was touch and go for a few minutes to be fair and I was kind of thinking 'what the hell did I do that for!?' but when I realised I was still alive, the adrenaline kicked in and I was talking about a million words a second whilst trying to get back into the boat! We were so glad we did it, especially the bit at the end and got a CD full of pictures to remember it. Class!
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