7th augI think by this point we had both realized that after spending 5 whole weeks together with our only time apart really being while we showered or went to the toilet that it was about time we both ventured out alone and had a few days away from each other. I know that Mike was probably ready to kill me just as I was about to kill him. To be honest I was just excited to be able to go off and explore peru on my own and see if I could actually do it. I spent the morning checking out various options for trips I could do from cusco and realized that actually there was far more for me to do if I left that area and carried on travelling. I booked myself onto a bus to Ica, spent my afternoon buying bug spray and a hammock for later in the journey and then went and told Mike that I was off. We grabbed dinner together at this Irish bar (mmmm shepherds pie) and then I was finally off on my own little adventure.Getting on the bus I was so excited to see no one was sat next to me considering it was a 16hr bus journey and so settled down for the night. About an hour into the ride the bus stops and on gets a family of 6. They had only booked 3 seats one of which was next to me. So there I was sitting next to this fat Peruvian man an his 10year old son was sitting on his lap. Now that was bad enough squashed up against the window, but the the hostess hands out sick bags to everyone, the lights go down and this bloody kid ends up sprawled across my lap. For the next 12hrs I am trying my best to get rid of the dead leg from the bloody kid, trying to sleep but he keeps kicking me and then to make matters worse not only is everyone on the bus puking but the damn kid starts telling his dad he is going to be sick……ON MY LAP!!! Luckily he wasn't as I might have just lost it!
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