Me, Michael and Da went to eat at 10.30 at Linksys! Had some amazing rice, Da didn't like it though! He is so used to eating off the street where it's a lot nicer and cheaper!!!
We were going to see some sights today as it is our last day! We leave Vietnam tomorrow and have a flight booked for Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia! Sad times! But we were all tired and hanging so we decided to go to the cinema! Very cultural! I think this was Da's idea more then anyone else, he is a bad influence just like Din! We didn't need much persuading though.
So all three of us set off walking to the cinema, Da booked his bus back to Phnom Penh for tomorrow! We walked past some strange sights we see all the time but don't understand so now was the perfect time to find out!
People burn money on the street here and it brings good luck to your family and wealth? Surely not setting alight to money brings wealth as well?
The lottery here is sold by old men on the street walking around offering it, the top prize is 150000000 dong (£5000) and it looks like a coupon. It is drawn every day!
It's common here for Asian men to have long spindly hairs coming out of there moles on there faces. Seriously I have been attacked by these before! Da said they keep them for good luck, but he cut his friends cousins hair off once and he went crazy!!! It looks horrible, when someone talks to you I can't help but flick my eyes to it, it like dances and teases me like 'look at me, I can move like shakira'. Where did I leave my scissors???
Went to Galaxy Cinema to see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I didnt really get it, this Lincoln guy was the president right, so did he really hunt vampires? Did his son die? I jumped loads much to Da's amusement! The cinema was freezing as usual!!
When we left the cinema it was raining but I literally couldn't see any clouds in the sky! Not a speckle of white but precipitation in all crevices! It was very strange! At first we thought it was the restaurant as some of them spray cool mist at you while you are eating! Stupid.
Stopped at a food stall so Da could eat. There is so many French bakery's here Michael is in paradise! Vietnam used to be part of French indo-china until it separated itself (Michael told me that I don't know if he is talking put of his arse though) anyway its something to do with France!
There is so many French travellers in Vietnam and they get very annoyed when the Vietnamese don't speak French! No one wants to speak French any more get over it! Anyway I'm not being funny but every single person we have met from France has been rude. Michael says its the way they are. Go back to France!
Me and Michael went to go and print off our plane tickets for tomorrow! There is nothing like doing things last minute! We only booked the flight 4 days ago! Haha ohwell it cost £1.30 for 8 sheets of paper! What a rip off!
I don't remember if I wrote about booking the flight, it cost us about $100 (£62) each for a flight from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Vietnam to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. It takes 2 hours and we bought 20kg luggage each. Believe me we are going to need it! I now need 3 burley men to lift my rucksack onto my back!
Went to sleep for a bit then at 7 me, Da, Michael, Zoro and a few of Zoros friends went for something to eat. Zoro wanted to take us to his favourite restaurant ... KFC! Haha! Da doesn't eat restaurant food and I don't eat meat so just had chips and a drink whilst watching total wipeout!
Asians have no issues with vanity. They take photos of themselves everywhere. Three girls on the table opposite us took around 150 photos just sat there of themselves and each other. I'm not even exaggerating at all! We are in KFC for goodness sake it's hardly the great wall of China! (which we are still not allowed to go to, not bitter at all though...)
Me and Da then walked to the drinking stall as Michael got on Zoros moped, walked for 15 minutes while having our usual disagreements! Haha he drives me crazy.
Got to the stall and it was called 'Cute', must have seen me coming, had a couple of beers, got annoyed at the boggle eye staff, learnt the proper way to 'cheers' people that doesnt bring bad luck and then left!
Me and Da got a taxi to the karaoke place called 'iBox' and met Michael and Zoro there. It was huge!! It had lots of not quite sound proof rooms on different levels! All four of us went in one room. Karaoke is a serious thing to Asian people, there is no messing about, no laughing and no getting embarrassed.
You could chose which songs you wanted out of a list of hundreds of singers and the lyrics are at the bottom! Zoro and Da went full on all out singing! After a few songs me and Michael did the same! It was hilarious! Zoro loves Shane Ward a little bit to much bless him! Non of us are great singers, in fact, scrap that I'm amazing! I sound like Beyonce! Michael sounds like a mixture of a cat being strangled in a bag with bag pipes being played by a baby.
We only wanted to stay for 1 hour but we ended up staying for 2! It cost 100000 dong (£3) each including drinks.
After the karaoke, Michael and Zoro went home but me and Da wanted to stay out as its our last night together!
We got a taxi to Go2 bar, had a couple of drinks, had a Shisha then Da decided I needed to try something new. Dried, pressed, stinking squid. Every time it goes past everyone hates it! There is about 5 stalls on wheels on the drinking street though! Great! Gonna vom on Da!
So, he bought it and did all the mixing of lemon, chilli, oil and sugar in a dish to dip it in! It was vile! The most disgusting thing I have ever tasted! It tasted like feet, sick, rotting fish, floor, bin juice and toilet seat all rolled into one. Seriously kill me now! Da said he didn't like it and said it's better in cambodia, never again though!!! He then bought quail eggs, they were tiny and just like normal eggs inside. They were nice! seriously going to have nightmares about the squid though! Urghhhh
Walked to a couple of other bars but non of them were busy, so got a taxi to Apocolips Club, which was closing soon so we didn't go in, the taxi then chucked us out at Lush Bar. Great! I'm
Banned from here! Da already knew but said we should try, as soon as I walked in the manager ran over to me telling me to leave! Ugly troll.
So went back to Go2 bar, played pool for a bit which I am hopeless at! Seriously I had 2 members of staff and Da trying to help me!!
On the way home at about 3, Da went to get a slush puppie from 7eleven, there is children everywhere, they don't live on the street but arnt far off if you know what's mean. Da can relate to them so bought these three little girls around 3, 5 and 6 some food and a little bit of money. Amazing. He always does stuff like this!
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