Da called me at 1.30 which woke me up but I really should get up anyway! Last night was crazy!!!
Charlotte and Becca leave this morning but we said goodbye last night!
Most importantly it's our 100 days traveling anniversary!! I can't believe we have been travelling 100 days! It's crazy! Been to four countries, met some amazing people and been to some breath taking places! Bring on the next 100 days!!! :)
Me and Michael went to Linksys for some rice, why go anywhere else!! Haha we asked the manager what she would recommend to visit today then set off.
Walked to the Reunification Palace again, it was closed again! It opens for one hour in the afternoon! The palace is huge though, it was built in 1966 to serve as South Vietnams presidential palace. It's where the communist tank crashed the gate in April 1975 the day Saigon surrendered. They have repaired the gate but apart from that everything is as it was.
Walked to Norte Dam and that was closed again as well! It was built between 1877 and 1883 and is in the centre of government square. It's 40m high towers dominate the sky line. Inside we could see different coloured lights lighting up religious statues but we will come another day!
Walked to City Hall which is near Notre Dam, it was packed with tourists, you can call home, use the Internet and send parcels home here. It's the same price as Bangkok and works out to be about £40 for 10 kg on a 2-3 month ship. We may do this when we come back to Vietnam!
Walked home at about 6, as we had been walking around for hours in the boiling hot sun AND it's our 100 day anniversary we decided to go for a pizza at 'Best Pizza'.
Got talking to a couple of girls on the next table and we kind of just clicked with them. They are called Bree and Rhiana and are from South Hampton.
Arranged to meet them tonight at the beer stalls, went back and got ready. Tried to transfer and take out money but it didn't work, the website is sometimes down though so I thought I would just sort it out tomorrow and Michael kindly lent me money!
Went out at 9.30 and met Bree and Rhiana at the stalls! They are hilarious! Tiun the guy who took our video last night came up to us and sat with us, also got talking to a couple from Australia who recommended things to do in Singapore including ladies night...
Ordered drinks and they gave us red bull instead of orange, I hate red bull and it makes me sick but it's so hectic at the stalls you would never get chance to explain!
We all had more then a few drinks then got a taxi to 61 club. Been here 3 nights in a row now!
I was a little bit sick when we got to 61, I think it was the red bull as I wasn't drunk but maybe it's cos I drink to much? Haha I don't care I'm 20.
I didn't have a single drink in 61, it was a crazy night! Bree and Rhiana are insane! Bree climbed to the top of the pole and had an Asian following in no time! We literally danced all night!
They have this thing where everyone swaps shoes, mine and Rhianas broke so people were giving us there's! Strange walking around with one flip flop and a men's formal shoe! Loved tonight though!
61 isnt the kind of place tourists go so it's all Asians and they love us! Haha Had so many pictures with everyone, Bree took so many discusting pictures as well and they have found there way onto Facebook!!!!!! Was dragged around all night long!
Had so many dance offs with all the gay boys, more then I can remember its all a bit of a blur!! Everyone is so lovely though!
Michael, Bree, Rhiana, Zoro and another guy got a taxi to get food at 3, me and Tiun were in the taxi behind but got a bit lost so just went to where Michael's favourite noodle soup is but try wernt there! :(
Looked for them all the way up and down our street but couldn't find them anywhere! So ended up going home at 3.30 the receptionist hates that I come in so late every night. He is an idiot anyway.
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