I seriously can't be bothered with writing these blogs, I am writing this on the 19th and it's about the 7th! I have to remember 13 days of stuff! Kill me.
So left beautiful Nha Trang today, got up and checked out by 8, walked to get a croissant for the mini bus then got on the bus at 8.30.
It was the most uncomfortable bus ever, it was full so I had to sit on a pull out seat next to Michael's seat and it was horrible! Talk about numb bum! I was sat right at the front as well so the scary Vietnamese driving didn't help!
Stopped off at a garden centre for no reason at all, it was maybe a drug stop but we all got off and chilled for half an hour in the sun!
Got back on the bus and drove for a while until we got to Mu Neu at 11.30 where we are getting a connecting bus!
We had to wait 50 minutes so we ate in the food stall hut, they offered set meals for 40000 dong (£1.20) so I had a filet of tuna fish, rice, veg, a banana and a coke!
The coach was 20 minutes late but I was glad I actually got a proper seat! Heaven! It took 5 hours to get to Saigon. We slept and tried to write some blogs, which sent us to sleep! Ha
Arrived in Saigon at 6! Saigon is the old capital city of Vietnam, it's called Saigon but the name has changed to Ho Chi Minh City which no one uses and the locals don't understand! So I'll call it Saigon.
A beast of a lady offered us a guest house which we accepted, she grabbed my 288328 kg rucksack with ease and strolled across the main road without looking! I won't be messing with her! Anyway, walked down rat alley (full of rats) so someone's house! Michael stayed downstairs while I checked the room on the 3rd floor, it was nice!
We accepted because we are tired, it's awkward though, it's in someone's house, there is one room per floor and to get to our room you have to walk through there living room and kitchen! It's $12 a night (£7.60) so £3.70 a night each isn't bad.
Din our friend from Cambodia was visiting Vietnam with his family but stayed to see us! So while we were eating at Linksys food stall restaurant he met us! It was weird seeing him and even weirder seeing him as a tourist!
We all went to get ready, researched some places to go and got a taxi to Papas Cafe.
The taxi driver tried to rip us off by going the long way around and charging us far to much, I refused to leave the taxi until he discounted it which he eventually did. Moron.
Papas Cafe was awkward, it was a gay karaoke bar but everyone that was getting on stage thought they were Mariah Carey! It's so different to the uk where everyone is embarrassed, laughs and does it in groups. Here it's a serious thing!
Totes awks when the host of the show hits on me through the microphone and everyone stares. Oh my! Also the bar only served beer! Which I quite enjoy these days!
After laughing inside for to long we got a taxi to Godmothers Bar, we each got one drink and were told tonight isn't a busy night anywhere, it's only at weekend things liven up! Fabulous.
Walked back to our street where it's backpacker central, lots of bars, shops and restaurants. We went to Go2 Bar, had a beer and ordered a strawberry Shisha pipe.
The Shisha was nice, it reminded me of going to Tunisia with college and spending the week with 'the hustlers', I miss that!
P.S when I put it on Facebook, some people thought we were getting stoned. We arnt, it's flavoured tobacco. Chill out! Haha
Din gave me a rose! How adorable! If he wasn't gay I would marry him! Maybe I still will....? Haha
After this we walked down the street for noodle soup, Din has been here before so he knows the best places to go! My addiction to noodle soup will never be fulfilled in England!
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