So last Monday, we had a few issues with our visa. The day before our initial three month visa ran out, our boss man, Pinuit, thought we should be doing something about our visa. after about 30 minutes of rummaging around he went "who robber my documents" meaning that he had lost all our documents. So he spent almost two hours re photocopying passports and things while we sat and did not a lot. Then, we went off to Amnat to the immigration office. The office was full of, in the politest way possible, old fat farang with thai wives, trying to work out their visa's.
Anyway. This trip failed so we got taken out of Anuban primary to go back on Tuesday. This only resulted in a stamp that said our application was under consideration. We went back this Tuesday, and still no change really so will have to see what happens. We have until 22 december now so who knows.
The rest of the week was just the average really. On Thursday we got to read out the question for an English quiz. It was essentially a general knowledge quiz all in English. It was brilliant. We got to sit at a desk at the front with microphones as all the students eagerly awaited the questions. I'm sure many of them didn't understand and only got any marks out of pure luck but was fun for us all the same.
On Friday, we went to Cumphai school in the morning again. It was brilliant fun. I went over the alphabet with them and then got them to draw pictures of A for apple and B for banana which took up quite a while. Fleur finished quite early and when we were both done we still had an hour and a half till lunch to do not a lot. But my kids, the really young ones, kept saying "len game" which means play game. Then they all suspicially kept jabibing their arms out in front of them which I took as the hokey kokey. So, we joined with fleurs class, which meant the entire school together, and played a giant hokey cokey which was brilliant. They especially loved the bit that you all run into the centre. I got a few pictures which will eventually work their way onto facebook. As soon as I took my camera out though they all hoarded around to get their photo taken. One slightly chubby boy took the camera off me and went around taking photos of us. It was a really fun day.
After, as planned we went to khon kaen. Nanta gave us the afternoon off at the school so we went straight home and packed. Chess and clara got the bus to us and we sat outside 7/11 waiting for the 2 o'clock bus. However, it didn't turn up and we ended up getting the 3 o'clock bus. My bladder was already feeling the strain. But the bus took about 4 hours. The bus itself was somewhat rickety with the seat cushions sliding off and seats tilting ominously but was a good journey.
By the time we arrived it was dark. The hotel, though looking extremely grimy from the outside, was pretty good. We got a two bedded room so we got a double bed each. Though the layout was slightly odd because instead of the shower room being separate, it was more of a cubicle in the middle of the room separating our beds. Anyway after dinner, Clem and Rachel joined us, and some pre-drinks were had until we headed to the clubs. It was a good night, though still a bit early so quite quiet. Cameron and Eliot (or Camelot) joined us a bit later and we moved to another club. Overall it was a good night.m
The next day was somewhat better. After a disasterous attempt at finding the lakeside market, we found a restaurant further away and had lunch. Then Camelot went on search for cigars. Me fleur and chess took a pedelo into the centre of the lake. It was really nice and relaxing, but my poor legs felt the pain after. Only to make matters worse, we walked half way round the lake and up a nine story chedi after. Totally worth it though. The view at the top was fantastic.
Back at the hotel after we finally got a McDelivery. A little man in mcdonalds uniform came to the hotel room and delivered us mcdonalds. For those of you who know me, I don't really like mcdonalds but this is definitely a service the uk should adopt. You could even get chicken porridge!
That night was much better. There was only 6 of us left. We had more pre-drinks and great drunken chats for quite a long time. Then for some reason we decided to go bowling. When we arrived, the alley was completely empty. I'll admit, slightly weird but brilliant fun!! I came second, but I was pretty happy with that to be honest, considering my state. We planned to go to clubs after but on the way we stopped at 7/11 and got some snacks. Then our desire for food overcame us and we just went back to hotel to eat. So basically, we got drunk to go bowling. But it was a fantastic night!!
Back in Loeng nokta, life was the usual. Went for a special graduation lunch for one of the tessoban workers on Monday. Out water had stopped since the Thursday before, so in desperate need of a shower, I went to nanta's. and she has a hot shower. I spent about 40 minutes in the shower because I just didn't want to leave!
Tuesday, Nick from project trust came to visit us. He's our desk officer and has been going around Thailand visiting all the projects. When he arrived the TYT group gave him a showing of mama mia which he was quite impressed with. The came back to see the house and we had a big chat with him about this and that and all the stuff in the project. He didn't sound too impressed when we mentioned we still hadn't started teaching. We also complained a lot about pinuit. A lot. We still didn't have our water back.
Then Wednesday, showed nick round the nursery and primary school. Apparently the primary had completely packed up and left to go to a competition in kutchum so it was actually closed for the day. Meeting with the mayor and and other people in the tessoban then after lunch, Nick left to go to the next project in pha na.
Thursday was fun. the secondary had this massive competition and loads of other school cam as well. I got to help judge skit, which is kind of short plays. One was a story about a chicken who was treated really nicely by her owners. Then she realized to repay them for their kindness, she had to let them kill her. But her chicks got so upset that they threw themselves in a fire. I don't really get it.
We sill didn't have water. So we asked our next door neighbour landlord ned about it. Apparently "man from government stole meter". This is, we have now found out, because of pinuit. He hasn't paid our water bill. I hate that man. Ned has kindly hooked us up to his water supply for now.
On Friday, at kumphai, had a good lesson. I taught them animals. Then all the noises that they made. I wasn't quite sure what to do for fish. Played slap the board as well. And it took up almost 2 hours which is impressive. A successful lesson I thought.
- comments
mum think you should email nick about water problem in addition as part of ongoing lack of care and responsibility