So on the moped still! Went n saw the main temple in Chiang Mai called Doi Suthep which was pretty impressive. I don't know what it is though with having to climb so many bloody steps to see the temple crickey - its boiling hot n I have to climb like 400 odd blinking steps! Not happy!Headed onwards up the main road on the 2 wheels to find us some waterfalls. Nowt special yet but they are starting to get bigger n better. Got stung though by having to pay to see one waterfall which was bloody supplied by a water pump! Not impressed!! LolThought we would head back to the square (Chiang Mai built on a square like) and cruised through the night market. Very cool!! But I made the biggest regret of my life…..yes I did it….I brought some crocs!! But they were real and I mean real cheap!! And im talking like £1.50 odd!Next morning back up and on the moped to find us the tiger kingdom, snake farm, monkey school and whatever we manage to come across. This was found all on one road actually so not that hard of a day. Well that's what it was mean to be but noooooooooo…..we have to do things the hard way! So the moped is due back tonite at like 6pm on the dot or we get charged for another day, so got it all planned out. Get onto the Samsung road (well this what we called it) and in no time we make it to the snake farm, take a few pics n move on, next door is the tiger kingdom. Awesome, and couldn't resist so headed inside to play with some of them! We paid to play with the young ones cause they weren't as scary looking but the little b*****s still managed to bite me n draw blood!! But it was cool, they were 2 months old and so cute! You must check out the pics of them. We were in there for 20mins so there are plenty to look at. We also got to walk around the other groups of tigers and take loads of pics n stuff so well worth the money!After the fun here we thought rite lets get a move on n try n find the next thing on the list. That was easy cause it was rite next door to us again so easy - we were well succeeding! But at this point we thought rite lets head back towards town on this road n then we will be back in plenty of time to get the moped back to the rentals place plus fill it back up with petrol. So off we went……and went…..and drove and drove and drove. To the point where we didn't see anymore signs saying the way to Chiang Mai. We had gone past all the residential parts are were just going up and down and back round the bloody mountains. Yep that's it I thought we were lost! But no we cant have gone wrong cause all we had to do was stay on one road - cant be hard can it! So its getting darker, getting later, getting more annoying and still no signs of any life - like at all!! Worried?? Yes I believe the word is cacking my pants!!! But anyway a man from heaven came our way and saved us n made sure we got back to Chiang Mai, with a stop at the petrol station along the way because we were also on red!"! to the point where we were turning the engine off and rolling down these mountain roads lol!! But yeah we made it - was late with the bike but used our charm and managed to not have to pay!! All good eh! It gave me a bad stomach going through all that though blimey oh riley!!So this new day brought us a nice and well earned lay-in with some cool Thai cooking course at night! Thai cooking we were pretty damn good at I must say!! We made spring rolls, chicken and coconut soup, hot and sour soup, Thai green curry, chicken with cashew nuts and sticky rice!! Very good - we got to eat the lot too!! Loll.Headed back to Bangkok the next evening so not much happened but the journey was once again pants! Leaking bus, it was that bad that I woke up with my feet in a puddle on the floor, my top was soaked so sat there wearing my packamac! Not impressed.New hostel - Asha guesthouse which was cool - had a pool n stuff so we were happy! It was raining still though when we got there so didn't manage to get in it! We managed to see some sights the second time in Bangkok, we went and saw Grand Palace, Reclining Buddha, China town and the famous Ko Sang Road! Was good for the pictures but we weren't that impressed. The reclining Buddha was impressive but that was bout it!Who could believe that we spent the whole (and Im talking 6 hours) at the Chatachuk market!! And didn't even buy a single thing!! We could have brought though, dogs, cats, clothes, shoes, tattoos, jewellery, the lot!! Everything you can think of they sold it! Rabbits, furniture, phones, toothpicks the lot!!Sunday was very cool, we upped and left on the spare of the moment and headed for the island of Ko Samui!
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