Fleur, Brad, Jerome, Heike, Amy, Alena and Lisa. These were the names called out to be in group 6! This of course was us! We were sat in the games room of the hostel listening to the leaders explain the rules and regulations of the next few days and how it should all pan out for us. They showed us a what to do and what not to do video, mostly consisting of not to play with the wild dingoes (wild dogs that don’t bark!) and not to go driving in the sea cause it wrecks the vehicles!!
After the briefing as groups hoped in our 4x4 and drove to the warehouse where we picked up all our equipment, like our tents, bbqs eskies and everything else basically that we would need. Then this was it, we had to about an hour and half to decide on a budget to spend on our food and drink for the next few days, then hit woollies and get our butts on the one ferry that links to Fraser Island! It was awesome – already we were loving every minute and we had only made it to Woolworths!! Haha
Our group had decided we would each put in $20 (bout 10quid) and then we selected one pair to get breakie, one pair to get lunch and one to get dinner! That was it we were off – it was like supermarket sweep!! Haha hands were everywhere and the supermarket was full of backpackers heading for Fraser Island!! Haha excellent! We had like 6 loaf of bread, butter, cheese, sausages, pasta, sauce, and then toilet roll. Black bin bags and a few other essentials (goon, goon and more goon!!!)
All set in our Tammy (that’s what we named our 4x4) she loved it, and Lisa drove us to the ferry crossing. Here was where we had our instruction to let our tyres down so they were softer for the sand and stuff. It didn’t take long before that was it we had reached our destination.
Basically when we had our briefing the instructors gave us a guide to follow that included tide times, best places to go and this is what we followed. This was just because then we knew we would end up seeing everything that Fraser has to offer and nothing would get missed out.
So the first place we had to head for was a place called Wongaloo Walk which was a walk through the rainforest. The journey there scared the life into us lol and more importantly Lisa who was driving! It was great fun though but the road was just sand so we could only move in first or second gear and just to not stop! We were going up, down, side to side all over the place where the roots of the trees were and just the so called roads!! Haha excellent – we were all in hysterics because it was then when we realised what the next few days were going to be like haha! Awesome!!
So yeah a very short but non-normal journey brought us to Wongaloo Walk, so we parked up and jumped out n headed for the walk. It was cool, so cool. Exactly what you would imagine a rainforest to be like. It had a gorgeous creek running through it too which we all had some photos taken at!
After this we had to venture on more dodgy roads to a place called Lake Wabby. It was a big climb in the jeep so we knew it was gunna be awesome when we got there.
Once we had parked and all got our towels and cameras ready we went towards the view point….and oh……..god! It was unbelievable! All we could see for miles were sand dunes, a few trees then this awesome lake! It looked lush with the sun beaming down on it please look at the pics of this! Wow! We all started the walk down to the lake, it was a long and winding walk down and we knew it was gunna kill us to come back up but oh how we were desperate to get closer to this beautiful place.
Once we made it down the dunes, and through what seemed the world of sand flies (huge annoying and damn right annoying flies) we made it to the lake. All that was left was to dump our bags and take a few pics then dive into the lake. Well, we had to dive in first to get away from the blasted flies. It was lush, the down side and a bit scary side was that we couldn’t see what was in there so the lads were swimming under water and getting us and we were freaking out lol! It was wicked! We were all so relaxed and just having an absolute giggle with Fleur and her language and then Jerome and his face expressions! Legend times!
We knew we could only spend an hour or so messing about here cause we wanted to head back up to Tammy and head on to our campsite for the night and set up base camp. The walk back up to Tammy was ridiculous, we were fighting the flies and the heat and it was hard work! The best thing though was that the boys raced ahead and made us all peanut butter sanis for the journey to camp! Perfect! Lol
Our spot for the night was Cornwells camp point, on the beach but a bit in near the tress for some shelter. We set up in good time actually and then got the bbq going, ready for the sausages! Result! Such a wicked first day. After the bbq whilst we were clearing up and getting more into the goon, the blasted dingoes came out and were sly enough to get up to our bbq and give it a lick! Minging! So we had to re-wash that and fight off the dingoes! They were actually quite scary looking! Lol or that might just have been Lisa!! Haha!
Once everything was packed away and our food was out of sight and smell of the dogs, we sat and drank and watched a storm make its way into us from across the sea. It was electric! Watching it make its way across and get closer and louder to us was mental! Then the rain started and that was when we called it a night, because we did have to be packed up and on our way to Indian heads along the beach by 4am because of the tide times! So me, Lisa and Fleur jumped in our cosy bed for the night and were supposed to get to sleep, but we were too busy giggling and wetting ourselves laughing because of Fleur and her stories! Quality!
So we were up at 4am and headed along the beach to find Indian Head and Champagne Pools! It was raining when we got up so we had to pack up camp in the rain – it was rubbish cause everything was soaked and sandy and oh it was shocking! Lol the girls wouldn’t help really so it was us and the boys getting things away! Poor Brad was up to his knees in sand but hey it was lots of giggles! Haha! Lush! Me and Brad had got into routine to speak with an ozzie accent about everything! Haha it was sooo funny, he kept filming us too and we were just off on it! At this point it was only like 5am and our car full were singing and laughing and drinking and living it large haha! Lush! (lush is one of our words lol! Sad I know but ya had to be there lol) haha!
Anyway….where was I? So we made it to a point on the map where we were unsure what to do next. We had caught up with 2 of the other cars in our group and waited until we could go further on the beach (we had to wait till the sea disappeared a bit lol!) once we got to the point, we left Tammy to play with the other cars while we walked up and over a massive and I mean massive hill!! When we got down to the other side we were like, we are not walking all that way to it, we gunna drive it instead! But the only thing with that was that the section of beach that we had to go on was really soft sand and if we got stuck in it we would have to dig the car out and the chances were not good. At this stage the group was on a split decision so me and Lisa headed back and decided to give it a go while the rest walked on. After the monstrous climb we got Tammy and hit the mission ahead! We were confident, we were determined and we were together in this so if we were stuck then we both had to dig for our lives. But what can I say, with Lisa’s perfect driving and my sheer genius of direction and moral support we made it through with ease! Lol. We got the other side and we were screaming and punching the air cause no one thought we could do it! But nope…our Tammy could do anything lol! When we pulled up to the rest of our gang they were so chuffed cause it meant they could jump in and not walk the rest!! Lol whoop whoop!
It was worth the effort, Fraser Island had turned out another beautiful spot to see, and Indian head was basically as you can imagine a huge end part of the mountain with the sea banging around it. The view from the top was incredible. Then cam champagne pools. This was a rock pool, which when the tide was in, became a huge whirl pool, with the sea crashing up over the rocks and filling the pool up with loads of bubbles and foam, it was wicked. Then when the tide went back out again, it would empty and you could stand in there for the whole time and have a blast! It was wicked. The sun was out at this point to which was a bonus!
We were close to Waddy Point at this time so this meant we could use there amenities for lunch! Waddy Point was where a camp site was, so the bbq’s was what we were after! Lol, for lunch today we had decided to have our pasta and sauce and whack out some garlic bread! Lush! A bonus was that we made the other groups very jealous with our garlic bread – great choice Alina and Heika!
We had the rest of the afternoon to do what we wanted to do and so we decided we wanted to head back along the beach and stop and sight see on the way. We had yet to see the Pinnacles (also known to us as the Pineapples thanks to Fleur haha!), the Maherio Shipwreck and not forgetting Eli Creek so that was what we did. We were all once again on a high and having mass laughing fits in the back! And did I mention it was still raining since lunch time! By this time it was quite heavy and the tide was coming in a bit quick, and then there were little creeks forming in the sand so before we could drive over/through them it was my job to get out, in the rain, in my shorts and vest top, and examine how deep these creeks were so we knew it was safe to cross it or not! Now this seemed to cause great amusement in the car, and I did not see the funny side as I went to get back in that Lisa and the rest of them decided to drive off leaving me running behind Tammy looking like an absolute mong!! Haha funny though! Plus Brad the little s**t filmed it!!! Lush!! Haha ‘we’re in the rainforest mate, strough Sheila’!!
We were back at Cornwells with the other cars for our last night on Fraser Island, and we all pitched up together to form base camp around our fabulous Tammy! There must have been 4 cars in total and a lot of people on goon, in the rain who were wet, sandy and in the end very drunked! Lol wicked last night, again watching a storm over the sea, lighting up the sky. Wicked. After we finished off our sausages and burgers, it was drinking games time, just to finish the goon obviously.
Our last day here was to save the best till last, this was Lake McKenzie, supposedly the best thing to see on Fraser Island. And in truth, it was, even with it raining! It didn’t make the pictures very nice but it was lush. We all were in the water, playing volleyball, and messing about doing cartwheels and piggy backs and allsorts. Lots of pictures taken of course, please check them out.
We had to be back at the ferry for 4pm for the only ferry home so we knew we had a fair distance to cover so it wasn’t long before Tammy and us were back on the road. The last driving was to be one to remember, we nearly tipped at one point but luckily Lisa saved it, we nearly got stuck in the sand thanks to Jerome trying to drive on soft sand in 5th gear, then to top it off the amount of tree roots that were out to haunt us, we were so close to popping our tyres!! Haha, we were all sat on the edge of our seats the whole way back to the ferry – haha but that was while we were still singing and having major giggles with Fleur!! Loved it!
This brought us to the end of our Fraser Island and one of our best trips yet, the best group, the best car, and the best place to be….ON FRASER ISALND MATE! LUUUUUSH!!!
For some unknown reason we still had a bit of drink left so we decided as a group that we would all meet up in our room to have a Chinese and finish it off. We all swapped pictures and stuff to so that was wicked, we defo made some real good mates on that trip. We heard from some of the other groups that they didn’t enjoy it as much because they had some fliddy people in there group, but no not us, think we did Tammy proud!
We had one more day in Hervey Bay so me, Lisa and Fleur spent the next day getting our Christmas boxes ready to send home in time. We made our way along the strip calling in all the shops; we even managed to stop for some hard core exercise along the beach. They had gym equipment along the road for the public to jump on and use! So of course like you do, we had a go on all of it, trying to educate Fleur in aerobic exercise at the same point! Haha! Legend!
Such a busy week and it was only Thursday by this point! Today was the day that Sonic picked us up and took us onto Rainbow Beach. He was late, so the journey was done in the dark, but hey we had a cool bus load so we had Christmas tunes and got everyone very hyper!! We were all only spending one night at Rainbow Beach because you only really stop here to do your Fraser Island tour from, and obviously we had already done it! So it was to the bar for our backpacker cheap arse steak and a pint before bed!!
We were up early for a long journey to get us to Noosa. We were staying at Koalas along with Fleur again! Haha! Noosa was very nice, quite a posh place so Sonic was telling us. Our hostel was a bit of a walk out of the town but it was a nice one. We had an Irish bar just up on the corner that we had eyed up when we first arrived.
We went for a walk around the centre and then met up with Katie and Charmaine and ventured down to the beach. It was wicked catching up with them again; we all get on reet well! We decided that the Irish bar was the target for the night, with Katie and Charmaine’s mates that they had met in their hostel, plus Ohad and Fleur. Quite a little crowd going on lol! At home getting ready and tanked up for the night ahead, we went round to the girl’s room and started there, and then the Irish bar it was. It was packed; some important rugby match had been on that we were all completely oblivious too, but was good. Good night!!
Sunday was our next travel day, and today’s destination was Brisbane also known as Brisvegas! Haha. We were looking forward to Brisbane cause we were to meet up with Tina and Jodie aswell as Shirley and a few others, plus Fleur was still with us so it was gunna be wicked.
We got dropped off at our Base hostel, and it was a real cool place, they had everything, a massive kitchen, a tours desk, internet, TV room and the room was all good to. Fleur unfortunately was not in our room but she and the other girls were not far. We went for a walk around Brisvegas to check out the surroundings (as per) not forgetting the casino!! It was a nice city, full of sky scrapers and lots of people which were cool. Lots of shops to see and they had lots of nightlife to venture too.
After a nice Chinese dinner, we met with the girls and hit the town. We went to another hostel where Shirley was staying at called Bunk which was mint because it had a nightclub attached to it! Result! So we started there throwing some hefty shapes about then went further into the city to an old hotel which had been turned into a nightclub with about 4 floors to it. Here we met up with some of the lads, plus the Irish girls and had a massive night! Sore heads in the morning it’s got to be done!! Lol – once we made it back to the hostel of course!!
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