So...Mr Prat!! Beloved of Chileans everywhere despite unfortunate name.
In the early stages of the war between Chile & the joint forces of Bolivia & Peru (btw both claimed the other side started it!) Captain Pratt leapt onto a Peruvian ship & attempted to overrun it single handedly. He was, of course, killed & therefore unsuccessful. However his bravery became legendary & encouraged Chileans to join up to the forces as conscription was voluntary. As a result Chile won the war & won considerable lands in Southern Peru & all of Bolivia's access to the pacific ocean. These lands were originally thought previous because of the natural deposits of salt peta (hmmmm rubbish spelling) which was used in gun powder. However Chile discovered huge deposits of copper here. As a result Chile became very, very rich. Even today Chile exports one third of the world's copper!
Understandably Bolivia & Peru are pissed off!! They have petitioned the United Nations & issued a writ in the Hague.
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