My heavy duty cold tablets seem to be kicking in to good effect but not good enough sadly to alleviate my wheezing & cough so could not go on the tour down the famous silver mines. So I decided to make the best of a bad situation & lazed around in bed reading a crime thriller in my cozy heated bedroom!!
Eventually I managed to tear myself away from my bed for a wander round the market (sorry Potosi but Sucre definitely out markets you!) & to visit some of the many beautiful carved churches in the town.
Then we hit some artisan shops to stock up on warm clothing for the coming tour to Salar de Uyuni. Went a little alpaca crazy but still bought a jumper, scarf, 2 pairs of socks, gloves & hat for less than 20 quid. Love love love it all. Feel like a cuddly toy in all the soft fluff.
My traveller need for cheap was satisfied with a bargain lunch of a Saltena (1B), Juice (4Bs), sweet pastry with unpronounceable name (1B) & dinner costing 8Bs between Emma & I. So all in ate for just over a $! Think am starting to get the hang of this budgeting malarkey. Good thing after my alpaca splurge!
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