Here are Emma & I waiting for the night bus to Sucre in a random cafe on the highway. Despite the dodgy reservation system used a few days ago, we appeared to have tickets for a bus at half 8. The old man who sold us tickets informed us that he would flag the bus down so it stopped!
So about 9 the bus showed up. My goodness, I have been spoiled by all the Semi & Cama buses I've taken before. This bus was ancient! We finally got on to find other people had tickets for the same seats! Our lovely bus driver found us 2 seat together & we tried to settle into our cramped, upright seats whilst getting used to the smell. The road was mostly dirt & potholes so our rickety bus shook the whole journey. Think I managed an hour of sleep. At times I was outright terrified as the bus swayed & shuddered.
A truly unforgettable experience!
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