Walked to pier 39 had Clam chowder in a bread bowl beer in a bag
Boring mission for shampoo took us ages to find .
Caught bus to golden gate park massive turned really cold so
Walked up hippy street went into a vintage fashion of the years shop clothes from 1920's-1980's.
bus back had a few beers
Walked to town rented bikes
Biked over the Golden Gate Bridge which was amazing can see Alcatraz from there! Biked to sunny Sausalito so weird how the bridge is covered with fog but nothing else is? Ha lunch on the sea front.
Biked to red wood to see the worlds tallest trees. I couldn't figure out the gears so when mart was pedalling effortlessly I was haven't to pedals so fast and not getting anywhere. Some delightful family group adopted us and showed us the way to tiburon. Had to get the ferry back because my little legs wouldn't get me back up the 4 mile vertical hill :(. 30miles with several hills was not cool!
Next day we came to the pier just as the sun was setting over the bridge-very cool photos. Was so windy made it very cold. Alcatraz looks creepy in the dark! Didn't realise al Capone had been imprisioned there! Went for dinner somewhere they took so long to come and ask our order we walked out mart said he's always wanted to do that. Saw the city lit up at night even if we were frozen!!
Next day we woke gave them our washing to do! and walked down to the cable cars had a ride through San Francisco kept quiet when he was asking for tickets an managed to get it for free! Treated ourself to a big lunch at chipotle which was amazing! So much good food in America. Brought some souvenirs and bumped into the other trek group which was nice their new group isn't going down well..would be hard to beat the bunch we had! Had a drink Over looking the harbour and Alcatraz. Just sorting things out for our trip back down to LA which is proving to be very stressful bus and shuttles and boats and airports money and banks are very annoying. Checked the flight and its on time thankfully as we have a boat to catch that morning.
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