New Orleans is the coolest place I've ever been to. We drove from Orlando..stopped off in Alabama at a hunting shop played with some crossbows. Arrived in New Orleans Louisiana! We were in little houses this time had our own floor thing which wa good. Just chilled out for a bit as it had been a long drive got changed and headed out. Walked to the famous bourbon street..had dinner reservations at oceana restaurant..the queue was half way Down the block when we arrived but we'd booked ahead. Honestly the best food I have ever eaten!!! Had gator sausage shrimp pasta thing. Yum.
Let that go down we all had our garlands. And hats and flags ready. Walked down to the river bank and essence festival was on..watched a really cool firework show over the Mississippi River which was impressive. Once that was over we walked back to bourbon street..mental place! It was heaving its ok to drink on the street there too. We passed a massive group of people doing what looked like a professional dance routine. There was brass bands playing and everyone had dressed up. Hit the cat meow bar to meet the others...karaoke. Except I'd never heard anything like it everyone was so good!! Mart accidentally spent $25 on a drink (everyone else's were about 6!). When you walked down the street people were on the balconies throwing down the mardi gras beads. Heading to some other places. Pure hip hop! Felt like we were in 8 mile in some places it was a lot of fun. There was a breathalyser in one club Mart blew 0.22 I was 0.18 apperently that's like blowing 140 in England? Happy birthday 'merica. Everyone's so patriotic I love it!
Next day we woke. I was surprisingly fresh? A lot of the others where chucking up though. We heading out ready to explore. Pissed it down but we carried on. Went bak down bourbon street had an alligator burger..walked down to the river. Checked out Jackson square- randomly have jazz performances there. Pottered around the flea markets went through Armstrong park..found Lafiette cemetery for my sister-ideal setting for anne rice to gather her inspiration rach!I got lost amongst the graves. They are all above ground graves because if you dig 4ft under you hit water. Was exhausted by this point so had a nap before we hit Frenchman street. Brass bands all in the streets some really cool art markets..went into some of the jazz clubs and bars which were incredible so much fun. Sad to leave the place! The whole city is so pretty really French feel to it, lit up by gas lamps on a night. They have a very strong sense of community And spirit which is nice- spoke to some people about katrina lots of areas still haven't recovered but they are happy people despite this.
Off to Lafiette swap today though so not too bad :)
- comments
rachel Sounds fabulous, so glad you two are having a whale of a time.
Gemma Vine Sounds ace :)