We drove from Carlsbad to Roswell New Mexico. Wow.
Checked out the alien museum it was hard not to laugh but the people of Roswell are so convinced about the aliens I didn't want to offend anyone. We'd pre prepared tin foil hats to prevent the aliens reading our thoughts and had much fun getting photos with them on. Brought some really tacky presents for home and we were on our way again.
Drove to Santa Fe...along route 66 yeahhhhh! small place but very pretty..every building has to be painted in one of 25 shades of brown (Mart made a really bad 50 shades of grey joke). Checked out the art street and little markets..they had earrings to match my engagement ring! Then ended up in a brewery shock! Camped that night...gave Mart a heart attack because I shot up and screamed there was an angry beetle trying to get in and I could hear it all night. Made him check the whole tent!!
Drove to Durango Colorado which is such a cool place. 7000ft above sea level so everyone's ears started to pop! We finally have a van song...old crow medicine show-wagon wheel. We've got the chorus down but need to work on the lyrics a little more.
Got dropped in the main town walked down to the river and along it. So beautiful bit different to everywhere else we've been as its so mountainous. Even coming out of the supermarket you get an incredible view of mountains. Pottered along Main Street and ended up in another brewery (this is a theme) $2 happy 3 hours though and we had a beautiful view of the mountains.
Next day we woke early and went into mese verde national park. Most amazing sight I've ever seen. Took us an hour just to drive through the park to where we needed to be.
Did a gentle hike into cliff palace which were quite cool 800 year old cliff dwelings...had some free time and did another hike - actual killer coming back up the ranger said they have quite a few people pass out from the altitude there. Sent some postcards home and sat eating lunch for a while. None of the photos do any justice to the place but they still look good.
I made a Really thick comment about I thought we were going to the Rocky Mountains. I was then informed that we were in them and no there isn't snow because its July. Oops.
Went back into Durango for more beer. Mart told some of the girls to man up for Vegas as they were drunk very quickly!!
Woke this morning and packed away - had a fight with a black widow spider and then there was a mystery animal biting people's feet in the van..we still haven't found it.
Just entered Utah yeahhhhh!! We stopped at Walmart though and had rammed the trailer full of beer as Utah is mostly a Mormon state an they have really funny beer laws. An it's only brewed at 3.2%? What is that about!!
Got a sunrise hike tomorrow at 4:30am as any later and it gets too hot!!
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