I did post a similar message last week, but apparently the computer didn't take it!! So Ill just give you 2 weeks of updates instead. The weather has suddenly changed. Last weekend they had to cancel the Chicago marathon because of record temperatures. A week later and we're now decked out in hats, scarves and coats!! Its insane!!2 weeks ago was a very exciting week we had a number of exciting nights out. We had Ellen's 22nd birthday and we went to a fab restaurant called Weber grill. We had a great meal and lots of fun taking over the restaurant!! From there we headed to the Hancock observatory bar on the 96th floor. It was absolutely amazing. The whole city was lit up below us and we drank champagne and watched the city below us.
That weekend the law school had organised a boat cruise and we got all dressed up and headed out for the evening. It was a beautiful evening and the food was great. We danced lots and had a brilliant evening. They even had fireworks and the buildings were all lit up with the lights spelling out go cubs go!
This week has been a little quieter with lots more work and study. Its good because I'm getting paid, but means I have less time to socialise. We did make it out to a night hosted by the New Orleans organisers where we heard a fantastic speech by Bill Quigley one of the top pro bono workers down in Louisiana. It has really made me want to go to New Orleans even more over the xmas break. It was at a big chicago law firm which is very commited to public interest work as well as commercial matters.
I also volunteered on Thursday night at a homeless shelter's legal clinic. It was a heart breaking experience. There were 4 children there and so many people who had some heartbreaking stories.
This week will hopefully be a little less hectic and Ill get a chance to do some more exciting stuff
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