Our first stop in brisbane was Australia zoo, which for those of you that dont know is Steve Irwins zoo. Had so much fun and was the hottest day we have had yet, lots of sweating going on!! We had our first encounter with a wombat- they are so cute, have been trying to think of a way to explain them to you, D has just said they look like a massive brown badger that has been smashed in the face!! If you can imagine that then you are better than me! Probably best to look at the photos!! We also saw loads of crocs and aligators and finally after 3 weeks of being in aus learned the difference between them both! We fed kangaroos and elephants, saw dingos and Tazmanian Devils (which can I add that D didnt know exisited- thought they were just cartoon characters!!) and much to Rounds delight got up close to some Koalas! A section of the zoo was dedicated to Steve Irwin- all the employees at the zoo had signed their uniforms and there was a board of photos following his life and what he has done for the environment and raising awareness about all the scary animals such as crocs and snakes. We learned that we can run faster backwards than both a croc and snake can go forwards so not scared of them anymore!! reckon we could take them!! Not messing with them in the water tho!! But all in all, was really interesting to learn that he wasnt just some crazy aussie bloke that stuck his head in crocs mouths etc.
We made our way to Brisbane after the zoo and checked ourselves into a hostel ready for CHRISTMAS!! Could not believe it was xmas eve, xmas has really passed us by this year and it is just wrong it being so hot! The night was quite quiet compared to our usual alcohol fueled xmas eves! B and R got a bit drunk, (well B got a bit drunk and R got absolutely hammered, returned to the hostel and attempted to open all the doors with the campervan keys! Oh dear!) and went into brisbane centre for literally half an hour before coming back and going to bed! D wasnt in the mood so stayed in moose and watched a dvd.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We woke up on xmas day to a pancake and champagne breakfast (a first for xmas day!) and had a present and card opening session. Breakfast was followed by a dip in the pool and a sunbathe (also a first for xmas day!). Before we knew it, it was time to start making our xmas lunch- we were the only people in the hostel to make our own, everyone else had the hostel one. Xmas lunch comprised of turkey and ham bought from the Deli! mashed potato, an attempt at pigs in blankets (the blankets fell off- think the pigs were a bit hot!) veg and stuffing- a true backpackers xmas lunch, we were very proud of ourselves! After lunch 3 very stuffed kates went for a slob and watched Hitch. The evening was spent in the cinema, (yes, the cinemas were open on xmas day!) saw Holiday, which we all enjoyed and cried at loads!! So all in all, had a good day, we are all in agreement that xmas just isnt the same away from home, but we are glad we have done it cause we will now appreciate it all a lot more!
Anyway, onwards to Hervey Bay and Fraser Island- not rest for the wicked! ;-)
Missing everyone tonnes, but not enough to come home!!
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