we arrived in Hervey Bay in the pooring rain :( not a very nice boxing day at all! So we decided to cut our losses and head to the bar where the entire population of Hervey Bay had to seemed to conregate! There was a live band pretty much all evening so we spent the night chatting and watching aussie yobos attempting dance! So pretty much like boxing day at home! ;)
The next day we left moose in secure parking to be looked after and headed off to Frazer Island on our 'Cool Dingo' tour! Still it was pooring with rain but we were determined not to let it get us down so we sat on the outside deck of the boat with our sunglasses ON! Our two day one night tour of the island started with us getting to know the person next to us very well on our 4wheel drive bus thing as we drove-sorry bumped! to our first stop Basin Lake. Its a really beautiful lake in a perfect basin shape and surrounded by gorgeous white sand and a ring of rainforest trees. We then walked though a rainforest where we saw the oldest fern in the world & B swung off a hanging vine in her Indiana Jones hat. We were told all about how Frazer is actually a 'freak of nature' with it being an all sand Island and yet things can grow and thrive here very easily!
Next stop was for lunch in Central station which used to be the township workers and their families lived in when Frazer Island was utilized for its Timber rather than the tourism like it is today. Here we met our friend for the next couple of days-Adrian, a v funny bloke from Surrey who was extremely posh and also extremely scared of spiders and Snakes! Being in the home of 7 of oz's 10 most deadly snakes and hundreds of massive spiders, he really did keep us entertained!
The next stop on our rainy trip was Lake Makenzie-WOW this place is absolutely perfect even in the rain!! It is an acidic lake surrounded by beautiful white sand that from a distance could actually be misaken for snow! As usual we were the only ones on the bus not to wait for the rain to stop and we ran the whole way from the toilets in our bikini's and jumped straight in!!! The water although slightly acidic is actually a just a really good exfoliant and good for making your hair shiny! we did leave the water with two less layers of tan but it was worth it the water was really lovely and actually warmer than standing on the beach-which is what most of our bus opted to do!!!! bore off!
The evening was spent drinking in the Dingo bar, talking to random Swiss men! Round feeling a bit worst for wear went for an early night and B and I got tipsy enough to torment the mosquitos though the netting of our accomodation by singing 'you want to eat me, you think im yummy!' -oh dear!
The next day was spent driving the great sandy highway along the beach-which was really strange to see! There was actually traffic!we had our lunch with a group of Aborignes and saw the biggest spider we had ever seen!!!! Adrian the post bloke from surrey wasnt amused!haha we drove to the champange pools which were disappointing to say the least but apparently would have been totally different if it was wasnt raining :(
We departed from Frazer again that evening after dinner, we did enjoy the trip-we can only imagine what it would have been like in good weather :(
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