Welcome to the Las Vegas of Aussie land! this place is awesome! We arrived into the tacky town in the early afternoon and walked the couple of miles along the beach from our camp site to the centre of town watching the amazing surfers as we went!
We were classy girls as always and headed for the shopping mall food court for our dinner!! after we stuffed ourselves with more food than we needed we took ourselves off around the many tacky shops surfers had to over! This place is full of high rise apartment blocks ( including the highest residential block in the world!) rather like any of the resorts in places like spain or the like.. the reason we compared it to las vegas was the over the top lighting everywhere and quirky buildings! including a clock tower on one that chimed christmas music!! -yep we danced along in the street!
Needing to feel more christmassy we decided to take ourselves of the cinema that evening to see the Holiday-however it was showing until christmas day :( so we settled for the Santa Claus 3, immature we know, but what a film!!! it was brilliant and gave us that christmassy feeling we had been lacking in the heat!
The next day we headed to Wet and Wild, possibly the best water park any of us had ever been to!! had a really good day there acting like children (an after affect of the film the night before maybe??) running everywhere and pushing in infront of 10 year olds-aaahhhhhaaa (evil laugh). On the way out we met 3 18year old lads from Surfers that kept us talking in the car park for about an hour, at the end of it we were dancing in the car park to the subwooffer (sp) blarring from their car-yeah we are cool!;)
The next day we had our second attempt at surfing! we rented boards from our camp site (not beginners boards by the way) and headed down to the surf! The waves here being world renowned were a bit to much for us to say the least! D lasted all of 5 minutes after nearly choking! B about 40mins and R a bit longer. Unfortunately for Round when she decided to come back in a massive wave hit her board and sent it pounding into her face, resulting in the biggest fat lip i have ever seen-by the time she had made it back to where me and B were sitting it had swelled to maybe 7 times its normal size!!!!!!! its funny now but at the time i felt the need to run to the shop to by some frozen sweetcorn for her to put on it! the poor girl spent the rest of the evening sitting with a yellow bag of sweetcorn below her lip and a calipo on the top of it!! bless her!!! -me thinks maybe our surfing days are over for a while! that was enough to put us all off for a while anyway!
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