Back in my old home town. We had a good trip down from Lithgow not going anywhere near Sydney. We have been here a week and it has been great, visiting all the places of our youth. Some have changed a lot and others not at all like the house I grow up in.
One day we took the train to Sydney. They don't have fast train over here it took us 2 hrs. Did the tourist things of Circular Quary, The Rocks, walk around to Darling Harbour. Went to Madame Trussauds, that was amazing. You thought some were going to start talking to you or blink. Ferry ride back to Circular and out to Watson Bay.
Visit the Botanical Garden here in Wollongong as a section of the garden are in memory of mum & dad, called the Woodlands Gardens. Although the deciduous tree where still bare, the tulips, daffodills and other flowers where out so it looked very pretty.
Another day we drove up the new road at Coal Cliff. It is called the sea bridge. The old road fell into the sea. It is very interesting walking long it, looking down into the water. From there up to Stanwell Tops, which is a very popular spot for hand cliders, and parachuters. From there over to Cordeau Dam, where we used to have lots of picnics as a child.
My caravan park is right on the beach so I have been able to do lovely long beach walk. but the other good thing is I have been able to get back on the bike and ride along the water front. The days have been sunny but sometimes we have had winds.
I have really enjoyed been back in my old home town, but now it is time to move on tomorrow.
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