Melbourne April 2009
Wednesday 1st – Sunday 12th April
So a quite first couple of days of the month and when / well I know I say quite I actually mean we were just working nothing interesting going on kind of quite. On Saturday 4th April we went to the ACMI (Australian centre for moving imagery) were they had an exhibition going on called setting the scene. It was all movie based as you can guess by the title and it was all about the different scenes from the early silent movies, the creepy and disturbing movies of the 50s, 60s and 70’s until the recent blockbuster filmed in Australia like the matrix trilogy and Baz lurhmans Australia. Unfortunately you weren’t aloud to take pictures so that’s why there are none.
In the evening we headed off to Brunswick one of the many suburbs of Melbourne to watch our favourite aussie artist called Carus Thompson which was absolutely awesome, he’s so good acoustically and live.
On Sunday 5th April we headed down to St Kilda for the first part of our paddleboarding lesson in Port Phillip Bay. Saying it was the first part as it was a little bit windy and not the ideal day for our fist lesson. However saying that we did manage to both stand up and both had some hilarious wipe-outs. After getting dressed we went to San Churro and got a hot & cold chocolate which is a hot chocolate with a scoop of white ice cream in it hmmmmmmmmm!
Lots of working in the week, a trip to the irish pub in town at 4am for Wolfie to watch the Liverpool game before Saturday 12th came and it was time for our second lesson of the paddleboarding for which we had perfect weather. It was windless and flat we got lots more paddling in weaving in and out of blue blubbers (big harmless jellymen) and through the harbour and boats was amazing.
After Wolfie came home from work on the Sunday afternoon Corinne had her easter egg hunt around the flat. The weather was still great so the chocolate had to be kept in the fridge and we had the traditional Sunday roast with Laura and Jomeil.
Easter Monday 13th April
Wolfie scored the day of work and we went for a mammoth 18’000 step (on pedometer) walk around the park and down to the beach. We seen some long beaked corellas and eastern rosellas in the park. After a bit off lunch and a rest we got ready to met a friend from Fiji.
It was Melissa the girl from NYC who now lives across in Perth. She had been at her fella’s family wedding and we met up for drinks in St Kilda before watching the penguins come in and then having dinner in Soul Mama a vegetarian restaurant overlooking the beach. It was a great chance to catch up and we got a little ice cream before saying good byes and heading off home.
Tuesday 14th - Sunday 19th April
After work on the Tuesday we excitedly headed to the cinema to watch ‘the boat that rocked’ which was hilariously and awesome. So good we bought the soundtrack and danced about the room. Another early start for Wolfie a little later this time as the clocks had change so it was a 545am kickoff.
On the Thursday Wolfie cooked a Thai red curry with fish in it and we headed off to the comedy club with some free tickets (it was comedy month in Melbourne). The acts weren’t bad but the comedy just isn’t the same as back in Liverpool the standard just wasn’t the same. Although there was a funny bogen called Chris Franklin (aussie slang for chav) who was good.
Back onto nights for the wolfman so it was a quite time for exciting stuff.
Monday 20th – Thursday 30th April
Seriously quite time for us with a fair bit of work happening and saving for the next months birthday celebrations. Good times for Wolfie as first in-charge shifts serious responsibility for all the staff and patients on the ward scary stuff and handing over with someone very important for the senior hospital staff in the staff room. Corinne continued to work in various centres around the area.
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