Fiji - A different kind of lei
Tropical Awegasam
Saturday 5th July - Friday 18th July
Saturday 5th July
We checked in at Sydney airport after a bit of an early breakfast (0530am) and had a little look around the terminal before boarding the flight for Nadi in Fiji, it was a cool flight just until we got close to Fiji and we had the funkiest turbulence ever the plane was jumping up and down like one of those rappers car's with the bouncy suspension. Once on solid ground we had arrived on a damp and humid day in Fiji we got our bags back and headed out to find the Awesome Adventures desk. The guy at the STA travel desk in Manchester had told us a little fib in that he said because we had booked the tour we had then we had the first nights accommodation free, we didn't!!! So after sorting something out we left for the hostel resort for the night.
The mini-bus journey there was pretty cool we passed open top buses, crazy looking bus stops, people sheltering under palm trees and a police CARAVAN. The rain really started to come down and it was quite funny it was bouncing right back up out of the swimming pools. Was a bit off a shame as the resorts were right near a nice beach and would have been good to get some sunbathing in but hey, you can win them all.
We went to the shop in the next resort and bought a few bits that we needed for the 12 day trip up to the islands, the bloke in the shop was intent on selling us one of everything out of the shop having a list of 'the 63 things most used on the islands everyday' and each one was in the shop. Anyways we stayed on the other resort and got some food there because the rain as coming down like one of those tropical thunderstorms. Later in the evening we packed up all the stuff we wouldn't be needing and put that into one bag.
Sunday 6th July
After some bread and jam we were picked up by the awesome adventures bus and headed off for Port Denaru to meet the boat for the islands. We checked in and received our itinerary for the 11 nights and 12 days we would be spending on the islands (the Mamanuca and Yasawa groups), we boarded our boat the 'cougar' and after around about 15 minutes we arrived at the first island were greeted by the boat from the first island we would be staying at Bounty island. Named so as the crew who went on mutiny from the famous ship the Bounty settled here and took local women for wives. Corinne thought that it really looked like the Malibu advert of the telly and it's also were they filmed Celebrity Love Island (although the sets no nearly demolished). We were greeted at the jetty by a small group of the islanders singing and playing guitars. Anyways it's an amazing island of 48 acres and we booked in and were taken to our Bure (beach house) with hot water, air conditioning, and a fridge. The doors opened up onto the sand and the warm blue Pacific Ocean. We spent the day lounging around and getting into the relaxing mood after the hectic 2 months in New Zealand and I think it must have caught up with us as we had an afternoon nap in the warmth of the Bure with the sound of the waves lapping on the shore.
In the afternoon after lunch we had a walk around the island which took all off 15 minutes even at a slow pace and stopping to talk to the gardener, as we asked what all the burrows were around it turned out they were crab burrows and he said that we would see them in the evening. Corinne then sunbathed and wolfie read a book in one of the many hammocks. The food on the island was ok not the best of the 2 weeks but we couldn't complain after tea and after chatting to a nice German bloke Vladimir (who had been travelling for nearly 2 years) we went looking for the crabs finding loads on the beach a sea snake one of the most poisonous animals known to man with no known CURE.
Monday 7th July
The winds had picked up overnight making the sea a little choppy meaning that we were meant to go on the sea spray day sailing adventure on an old fashioned boat, we decided against it as it looked a little rough and we feared sea sickness. So after a cruise around some island on the big boat we swapped the day and spent the afternoon sunbathing. Turns out that we were right another one of the guests had mentioned that a number of the people on the sea spray had been sick all day.
In the evening before tea we took part in a traditional Kava ceremony used for a number of important occasions but on this one as a welcome. Wolfie got to play the part of the chief and in doing so got the second drink of Kava (which is a root type herbal based alcohol having similar affects to marijuana), the first went to Wolfie's spokes person who 'tests' the kava to make sure it's ok! Before drink you must clap 3 times take the half coconut bowl and drink in one. It's not the easiest as it looks and tastes like dirty clothes washing water from the sink. The Kava is mixed in a large wooden shallow bowl with a rope and shell coming about a foot away from it, this being the line of peace that neither tribe passes. The men are to sit cross legged and the ladies with both legs a the side. Everyone got to try the Kava and Wolfie being the chief got a second bowel which made him feel warm and fluffy.
After tea we were treated to some traditional entertainment and dancing from both the Fijian men and women. There was an older guy leading the ceremony who took the whole thing seriously until the end and the last song and he started dancing silly making everyone who could see him laugh.
Tuesday 8th July
We left the island early and board the Yasawa Flyer (Yasawa's are a group of islands, Bounty Island is in the Mamanuca's) and made way for Waya Lailai, we said goodbye to Vlad who was on the island oppersite for 2 nights Kuata. We boarded our skiff a small motor boat in the rough seas suprising no one fell in and after putting 2 kayaks in with us we which the fella at the front was struggling with and his mate found hilarious.
Once safely on the beach and booked into our Bure which was more traditional made mostly of thick tree trunks and thin bamboo type material, a thatched roof, one light and COLD shower. We then had to empty our bags and dry some clothes of which had gotten wet in the rough seas. Whilst they were drying we had lunch and on returning to the bure we found we had a roommate a whopping big hairy spider bigger than your hand. We tried to chase it out but it only found its way into one of the empty bags which we took outside and tipped it out, there it sat on the grass before running back into the bushes near the Bure the last we ever seen of it.
We spent the afternoon weaving bracelets and watching one of local men fish for sardines with circular net, we talked to his wife and she explained a little of village life to us. We then sunbathed before taking a cold shower and having some tea chatting to Emma and James who are from Birmingham and away travelling too!!! We had a few drinks and played with the puppy. We also learned the Bula dance a group line thing like the Macarena.
Wednesday 9th July
We had an early start today meeting our barefooted (we might have mentioned before but Fijians generally don't were footwear and their feet naturally harden to the point where they can walk across coral) guide berry at 5am for the summit walk. We found him drinking some kava with the security guard not a good sign but at least it made him happy. We hiked the 300m summit mostly in the dark till we stopped off at the wobbly rock at day break and traversed the little ridge with the big drop arriving just in time for the sunrise. It was cool to see and different to the Halekaela sunrise in Hawaii.
Once back at the resort we had breakfast before going back to bed, Wolfie in the shade and cool of the bure and Corinne on the beach. In the afternoon wolfie had one of the open top kayaks trying to ride the small waves on the beach and weaved a book mark. Corinne read her book and sunbathed and chatted to Emma and James.
In the evening the resort put on a Lovo which is a traditional Fijian dish cooked underground and eaten with your hands which was fun. Emma and James then taught us some new card games including split and animal snap which was really funny.
Thursday 10th July
In the morning Corinne went on a visit to the local nursery for the village and met all the 3-5 yea$r olds and teacher Lucy which she really enjoyed, whilst she was doing that wolfie was off doing more manly things taking a roller coaster of a skiff ride (put any jet boat to shame) out to the local reef to go snorkelling with the white-tip reef sharks. Was cool to see them swimming around underneath us!!! The coral and other fish were amazing too so colourful and bright much better than Hawaii and the barrier reef put together.
We then waved goodbye to Emma and James and once again boarded the Yasawa flyer with new friends Karen and Mellissa 2 new York girls (although Mellissa lives in Perth, Australia), we also met back up with Vladimir (Vlad) and Claire from Cornwall. We had ice creams which became kind of a custom to do on each of the boat rides whilst making our way to Korovou eco resort on Navati Island.
We booked into our fairly modern beach bure still with cold water shower but thankfully a fan. Mellissa and Karen were 2 doors down (very English saying), separated by a very interesting couple. We spent the afternoon sunbathing and watching the hermit crabs go about the business. In the evening we were entertained by the Bula boys and done the Bula dance which was slightly different to the one from Waya Lailai.
Friday 11th July
After breakfast we waited around for what seemed like an eternity waiting for a working boat to take us looking for the Manta Rays, in the end they decided that none of the skiffs were working and took us on the big boat. We snorkelled through the coral garden which was B-E-A beautiful, Corinne watched from the boat as everyone once in the channel looking for the manta rays struggled with the current. Alas there weren't any manta rays but we did have fun and watched the fella swim around looking for them.
Once back at Korovou wolfie swam from the boat to the shore which was cool and after a little sun bath Corinne went out, there was a giant clam shell and konk snail was cooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our interesting couple next door spent the afternoon in bed with the windows open so anyone near could hear what was going on, apparently this was an ongoing thing all the time. The evening was another version of a Lovo this time a more fish based one including some very nice octopus. Then there was more Bula boy's entertainment and drinks from Moses at the bar and talking to Adam from the resort.
Saturday 12th July
There was just enough sunbathing time before the Yasawa flyer arrived to take us the furthest north we would be going to the Sunrise resort on Nanuya Lailai. An ice cream and read of a book later we were greeted by Eddie from the resort who took us over to the shore to meet Queen a type of manager of the resort. It was too windy and rough for us to go round the island to the resort so Queen led us across the island which has some amazing views, we checked in at the resort and it turns out the Queen was a queen and there was also Debra (a Fijian lady boy who done the massages at the resort needless to say we didn't have one).
The first room they give us was a type of shed with a bed in it, so we swapped that for a room next to Mellissa and Karen (once again they sent Vlad to a different island) with little more than a wall over the top. It was so windy and the sea was rough, so we had a walk to the local tea shop and had some tea with banana cake Well worth a visit if you ever get to Nanuya Lailai. Dinner in the evening was amazing full of fresh salad, fruits and Vegetables which Queen said everything was grown on the island. Afterwards we played bingo and Queen was the fastest caller every sooooo funny we won a couple of packs of Oreo's. We then chatted with the other 5 guests before going bed early at 10pm as there was nothing to do!
Sunday 13th July
After breakfast we took a bumpy and wet boatride accross the channel in front of the resort to Nanuya for the church visit and village visit, see Fiji being a very religious country nothing happens on a Sunday. I wentto the catholic church with Karen and Corinne went to the Methodist church with Mellissa and Queen (who spent the whole time on his mobile phone). The services were performed entriely in Fijian but you could catch the generally go of things.
Afterwards Wolfie and Karen went back with a boy called Jup to his parents house Bill and Checa (there was also little John). Where as Corinne and Mellissa went to the oldest lady (the chiefs mum!) in the village house. We each had lunch with the families which consisted of giant yams, curries, vegtables and fish, followed by some black tea. Bill and Checa then explained Fijian life to us, Bill saying how he fishes regularly and gardens and builds houses with the rest of the village, Checa explaining that she tends to the house the children and along with the other women of the village helps to weave the carpets for the houses. They explained school life to us they have to pay FD$2 a term for the children to attend school, and how that before school each child can swim about 2-3km in open ocean, find there way around the island and walk distances.
On the way back to the boat we met some more children and there families as all the children we getting ready to walk the 5km back to boarding school for the week. Afterwards back at the resort we walked accross the island and Wolfie went for a snorkel.We then had tea which was a load of nice BBQ food and once agian fresh fruit and vegtables. It was hard to entertain yourselves on sunrise as its sooooooo quite so that night by the use of headtorches we played cluedo with Karen and Mellissa.
Monday 14th July
Today started with a trip to the Swahili caves another bumpy and wet boat ride 45 mins north. They are salt water caves but only a small amount of water can get in so nothing big and fishy like or eels are in the water. You can swim around the main cave with a depth of around 15 metres and then by swimming under a ledge you reach the main cave in complete darkness!!! Was pretty cool.
On the way back we saw a big Hawksbill sea turtle and just afterwards the boat ran out of petrol. Thankfully we were near to the shore and sunrise so we walked around the coast back there, just in time for lunch and for Eddie (sunrise boat driver, who Queen likes to wind up saying that he likes Queen to lapdance for him!!!) to take us to meet the yasawa flyer.
After a boat ride for a couple of hours we met up with the wana taki boat which is owned by the awesome adventures group. We spent the afternoon looking again unsuccesfully for manta rays, snorkelling and jumping of the boat (was like 20 foot high). In the evening there was plenty of food, drinking and games including crab racing where everyone chose a hermit crab and it was first to the edge of the white line! And Corinne tried to cheat at musical chairs.
Tuesday 15th July
Wolfie and Mellissa went for an introductory scuba dive this morning after break fast was amazing and so much better than snorkelling. You really get up close to the reefs and can see whats around whats going on, there were giant sea cucumbers 3 ft long and 1 ft in 30cm in diameter. The schools of fish, giant tritan triggerfish and clams. We then had a bit of a sunbath, corinne went for a snorkel with Karen before it was time to go back to the boat for lunch and to pack up ready for the afternoon. There was more jumping of the boat and we went seakayaking a bit around the reefs another cool way to see it.
Later that afternoon the Yasawa flyer arrived and whisked us off to the last island of our stay the Beachcomber island renowned for itsparty atmosphere. Once there we took advantage of HOT showers for a change and dressed we headed for dinner and lots of drinking. Wolfie after a few beers bought a bula shirt (really aloha shirst) for $30. We finally headed of to bed wolfie a little bit worst for wear around 1am after a few jugs of beer.
Wednesday 16th July
A very hungover day and not much done. Spent the day making ourway to meals very slowly and carefully nipping back of to bed aferwards. Corinne did however get some sunbathing in before we all watched one of the most amazing sunsets ever. Not much drinking done in the evening but we did however get one last bula dance in!!!
Thursday 17th July - A day of goodbyes
Mellissa was first to leave paradise today as she had a 3pm flight back to perth so we waved her off on the boat to the mainland and went back to watching drunking teenagers doing daft things. We had a bit of a sunbath, one last snorkel off the island seen yet more new fish, each time we went out in Fiji you see something different.Lunch arrived and the afternoon passed and we boarded the big boat for the last time with Karen, Vlad and Claire and departed for Port Denarau.
We arrived and said good bye to Claire who was off to another resort, see you later to Vlad who was off to the hotel were we were staying and went to the hard rock cafe with Karen as she was off the airport that night and not staying. We had a bite to eat and chatted for a little while before taking a taxi, which dropped us off first before taking Karen of to the airport for her flight. We checked in before having a drink in the bar with Vlad and chatting about our time in Fiji. Feeling tired we retired to our chamber for the evening.
Friday 18th July
We spent our last morning in Fiji having breakfast with Vlad, packing up our stuff and sunbathing. Before long it was time to say good bye to Vlad and set off for the airport. After another turbulent ride out of Fiji we arrived in Sydney and swapped to a Quantas flight bound for Melbourne to start work and all of the boring stuff like that!!!!!!!! Fiji was awesome!!!!!!!!
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