Chasing tails, whales & northern lights in 2015
'Bubble net' is the unique fishing technique the Humpback uses, where they head down beneath the waters, of a large shoal of herring. The clever part is when they breathe out air bubbles that look, for all intents and purposes, to the herring, like a fishing net which forces them to the surface, in a bid to escape. To us, the sound of the fish meeting the surface of the arctic waters, is a little like the sound of a bottle of pop fizzing when opened. The Humpbacks reign supreme as they surge upwards, open mouthed, relentlessly pursuing the unsuspecting herring up up and out of the water, several of them breaching at the same time, causing quite the most amazing spectacle, especially as this all happens within several metres of us.
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Lisa doyle Your getaway looks awesome, I'm sooo jeleous