26/10/2009 - We left Phi Phi in the morning and got on the boat to Phuket where we all had to catch our next flights from. Jenni and Jerri had to go back home and me and tom had to get our flight to Malaysia. The boat journey wasnt the best, it was really uncomfortable and choppy so we were all a bit grouchy when we got off. On the boat we had decided that we would go to Patong in Phuket as this was recommended to have a nightlife and a nice beach to chill out on. When we arrived in Phuket it was raining and it took them a while to get us in a cab, but when they did we had a big van all to ourselves so we couls spread out. It took us about half an hour to get to Patong. On the way the cab driver asked us if we had anywhere to stay once we got there, we hadnt, so he asked us how much we wanted to pay and he told us of a place he knew which was cheap and had air con, so we told him to take us there. When we arrived we were all a bit unsure as it didnt look all that from the outside. The owner came out and took us to show us a room, it looked really nice, it was very big and had two big windows and a really nice bathroom. So we decided to check in, and when we did me and tom got the nice room he showed us, and jenni and jerri got a little room with only one window to the hallway so it was really dark!! haha they didnt mind though as they were only staying one night. We put our bags down then decided to go for a wander around town, on the way out the guy on the travel desk at the front of the hotel convinced jenni and jerri to go elephant trekking which they had wanted to do since they arrived in thailand. So we waved them farewell and headed out out by ourselves. We found a nice shopping centre and treated ourselves to McDonalds for lunch as we had been craving it and it hit the spot! We also found the main strip where all the clubs and bars were for future reference. After lunch we headed back to the hostel for a nap as i was very tired although tom tried his best to keep me awake but i bribed him with a drink of Gatorade and that kept him quiet for a while. The girls came back and told us all about their elephant trekkign experience, and then went to get themselves a thai and fish massage each, and we went back to sleep. We were very tired tigers.
As it was jenni and jerri's last night in thailand we let them choose the venue for dinner and we went to a very posh restuarant just opposite our hostel. The food was very nice and that is probably the posh-ist place we will go to on our whole trip. After dinner we left the girls to do some exploring around town of their own and we went to thai boxing. It was really good, much better than i thought it would be and i really started to get into it. There were 9 fights in total starting with the kids first. They were so small but could easily have took tom on and won and he admittted it. The fights got better as the fighters got older and the best fight was the second to last fight where it was a pretty even fight for the first 4 rounds. Then in the 5th round the guy in blue started punching the lights out of the guy in red when the guy in red came back and knocked the blue guy clean out in one kick. It was soo funny, he couldnt even get off the floor and the whoel crowd went mental including tom. We got a good video of it and loads of photos.
Day 2 - Jenni and Jerri knocked on our door at 6:50 so that wecould wave them farewell as they got their transfer to the airport. I tried to wake tom up but he didnt move so i went down by myself. It was sad to say goodbye as it has been fun having them here with us and now we wont see them til next year. Once they had left i went back to bed and tom woke up and had a go at me for not waking him up!! lol we went back to sleep for a bit then went to the beach. We went for a dip in the sea which was really warm and the sand was really soft and as we were in there it started spitting so we went legged it up the beach, and when we got to our stuff it got heavier so we hid under some thai mans cover for abotu 10 minutes until it eased off. When it stopped we decided to give up on the beach and do some shopping. Tom got himselve a new bracelet as he lost one of his on the last night in phi phi and some new flip flops as he kept falling over in his superdry ones and gettting annoyed with them, and i got myself a bag to chuck our beach towels in. It looked like it was going to rain again so we headed back to the hostel. As we got there the heavens opened and it didnt look like it was going to give up anytime soon. So we caught up on our diaries then watched chicken run on my psp. The rain finally eased off around 8pm so we got ready and went out for dinner at a nice palce by the beach. Then we went to the main strip which was full of people trying to get you to go to ping pong shows. We went for a drink then went to go to one which was 'free' but when we got in there you had to buy a drink and the drinks were 400 baht each and we only had 200baht on us, so out the door we went.
Day 3 - We had a nice lay in until it was time to check out at 12 oclock. Then we left our bags in the reception and went into town. We found a internet cafe for me to go on and blog and tom went off and had himselve a thai massage. He cam back an hour or so later and told me all about it, he said he had some old thai woman that made like wrestling moves on him and cracked all his fingers and toes. In my book that is not classed as a massage, that is what i call torture. I asked him if it felt nice and whether he enjoyed it and he was like 'no, not really'!! We then went and had some lunch and made some last minute purchases (the next twilight book - very important) then went to the hostel and sat in the reception and waited for the airport transfer. By the time the bus arrived suprise suprise it was raining again - just our luck, so there was loads of traffic on the road and i was a little worried we would be late. But once we got over the mountains the driver put his foot on it and we made it with plently of time.
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