28/10/2009 - The flight was only an hour and a half and with the time difference we arrived just before midnight. We got in a cab which took us to our hostel and it took over an hour and tom feel asleep in the cab so i had to stay awake just in case. We got to the hostel about half one and went to bed. This wasnt the best hostel we had stayed in the room was very small and smelt very funny, but it had a bed in it and we were very tired so it would do.
Day 2 - I set my alarm in the morning for us to get up early and go to the Petronas Towers in the picture above and get our free tickets to go across the skybrigde you can see, but we were so tired we just turned it off and went back to sleep! When we finally woke up we decided to go exploring in the city, there are loads shopping centres in kuala lumpur which all have pretty much the same shops in. We found our way to the Petronas towers but we walked the longest route possible and in the cab journey back to the hostel we realised we could have just walked downa few straight roads in the opposite direction we went and we would have been straight there!
For the afternoon we just chilled out back at the hostel and we gave Chris a call to wish her a happy birthday, it took us ages to work our how to get the call card to work but we eventually did it and it was nice to talk to Chris. We went to T.G.I Fridays for dinner and tom had his favourite - fajitas!!
Day 3 - This time we actaully got up when the alarm went off and we got a cab to the towers. We were told that it gets very busy so get there early, we got there at quarter to 8 and there were hundreds of people there already. They dont start handing out the tickets until half 8. We got in the queue which seemed to take forever as i wasnt feeling too well, but we waited and finally got to the front. We decided to get tickets for 6 oclock so that we could go back to the hostel and have a sleep and it would be less busy around that time. In the afternoon i gave my mum and dad a call which was nice to hear their voices and i told them all about what we had been up to. Then we went back to Petronas Towers to make use of our free tickets. When we got there we had to watch a video all about the company petronas which was really corny, then we went into the lift which looked lift a ship container!! It took us up to the 42nd floor to the skybridge. I walked out a few steps and started to get a bit scared (not being the biggest fan of heights) then tom helped/made me go to the edge and look over, it was so high up i was well scared. We took loads of cool pictures and i made it to the middle of the bridge woop woop! You only get 15 minutes up there and it went well quick but i was glad to put my feet back on the ground. We had some dinner and had a little look in the shops then walked back to our hostel for the night.
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