19/10/2009 - When we arrived in the port we manged to find our bags then we were approached by a big thai woman trying to help us find somewhere to stay. We hadnt booked anywhere to stay so we took her pffer and jumped in a van she had waiting. We were the first people in the van to be dropped off and when we got out and they pointed the way to our hostel we were a little worried. We had to walk down some dirt track and the main road didnt seem to have anything on it! But when we reached the bottom we found the coral bungalows she had told us about and a woman showed us a couple of rooms if we wanted them, it was only 300 baht a night for the room which is liek 6 pound so we took the offer as we couldnt be bothered to walk around with our bags to try and find somewhere else.
We chilled out by the pool for the afternoon and we noticed that there were alot more young people there which was nice. Then we went for a stroll along the beach and into the town to see what there is, and honestly there wasnt an aweful lot. You can tell that the area is mainly set up for the full moon parties. We had dinner on the beach and then watched some fire dancers at another bar further down the beach.They were really good at it, even a small boy who must have been about 7 was doind it too. At the end they came round and handed some people in the audience a balloon each, we all got one and as a little nervous about what was about to happen. They made us all stand up the ront in a circle then we were told to put the balloons around our ankles and we had to try and pop other peoples. So us four ganged up together and let loose. Me and Jen were out first, but tom and jerri managed to stay in until the second to last round. They were soo funny to watch, me and jen were wetting ourselves. In the end a little thai boy won and we wandered off to bed.
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