18/12/2009 - Day 1
We had to be up and ready for the tour briefing at 8 which meant we needed to have checked out and had breakfast so we packed our bags up and headed over the road for some brekkie. Me and tom were sitting there waiting for our egg sarnies to come out when some old guy wanders in then asks us if he can sit with us, we felt bad to say no and didnt really have any other option so told him he could. He started talking to us about the town and how its very small and everyone knows everyone. Then he told us his name was Dave and that he used to be a chef and lived in Bromley! He was a little strange but meant no harm, but me and tom were glad when we saw Al and Kim heading towards us so we waved them over. He didnt leave though he just told them to pull up a chair and join us. We all finished our breakfast and told him we had to leave and he invited us to his flat telling us that his door is never locked and we could go up there and jam with him on his balcony with his guitars. We all just smiled, said thanks then left. We went and checked out of the hostel and had our briefing for fraiser island which was just two out of date videos that they put on for us to watch. We then had to sign a few papers and were put into our groups and we were put with kim and al, then we were shown to our car. There were two groups, our group of ten then another. Once outside we were shown how to load up the car properly and then got in the cars and went to the garage. A guy at the garage called wayne was telling us where we would be going but he kept getting it all wrong so his grumpy boss, Shane stepped in and took over. All the drivers were shown how to drive the cars by wayne but i couldnt really see so didnt have any idea. Tom went around the vehicle and inspected it for any damage there already was. We then left for the barge and Al drove us down there, just before we got on the barge the other car was infront of us and slowed down so we had to stop and got stuck in the sand so we all jumped out and dug it out and we got onto the barge whcih only took 6 minutes to get across to the island. We drove along the beach then onto an inland track that was really really bumpy. The first stop of the day was at Eli Creek. On the way there the other car drove inland and we lost them so we just decided to carry on. The creek was really clear and nice and cooling. We all had a little splash around then jumped back into the car. We then headed up to a shipwreck on the beach, we took loads of funny photos and everyone in our car was starting to get to know each other which was cool. We then went up to the most northern point we were allowed to go to which was called Indian Heads. As we pulled up we saw the other group sitting there. They told us to walk up the sand dune as it was really nice so we did and saw some really good views. The other group waited for us then we went back down the beach to the camp. It was a race against time as we were not allowed on the beach after 6 and we got there at 5:55pm!! The other group got stuck getting up the sand into the camp and another car jumped infront of them and stole their space next to us so there was a little arguement but they moved on and the other group set up camp next to us. We put up all our tents quickly and had burgers for dinner. After dinner we all went up and sat on the sand dune and had a little party which was cool.
19/12/2009 - Day 2
We had to wake up at 5 and be on the beach driving by 6 due to the tide. We packed up camp and kim drove us inland to Lake McKenzie. The inland was really bumpy and we managed to lose some spoons along the way. Lake McKenzie was really beautiful and we were the first ones there so we had the whole lake all to ourselves. The sand was so white and soft and the water was so clear you could even drink it. After a couple of hours at the lake we went back to the car and cooked some egg and bacon sandwiches. When we finished we packed everything back onto the car and as we did it started raining so we jumped inside for cover and played some games to pass the time. After we had to drive to a central campsite and it was my turn to drive as all the other drivers had had their go. The track there was really bad and really bumpy but it was fun and im glad i did it. Once we got there a lot of people went on some walks but we just stayed and had some beers with some of the others. After that we went to Erong and got some more supplies then went back to the campsite on the beach and set up camp. The other car got stuck 5 times trying to get in and also managed to break their handbreak!! That night we just drank some beer and watched the stars, it was really nice.
20/12/2009 - Day 3
We left the camp early again in the morning to drive to lake Wabby. We drove past it a few times until we eventually found it. We parked the car up and the beach then walked in land to the lake, we were told it was a half hour walk but took more like and hour so we were all knackered when we got there. The lake was nice so we all went in for a dip. We built a human pyramid which took a few attempts and chucked people in the air, it was a lot of fun. We headed back to the car and decided to go and cook the sausages we had left. We found a spot and started unpacking the car when some rangers pulled up and asked us what we were doing. They told us we could cook there as long as we cleared up after. Just as we were about to put the sausages on we noticed that we had run out of gas in our bottle so we couldnt have them. We packed the car back up and went to Eurong to get some snacks. When we pulled up the other group were there munching away on ice creams so we sat and ate with them until it was 1 oclock and we could drive back on the beach. We all headed back to the barge and as we got on the inland track the other car got stuck so we waited for them. They got going again then stopped and we thought it was to change driver so carried on and thought that they catch up. We got to the barge and thought they be just behind us but they were no where to be seen. We waited for them but the barge came and we decided to get on as we didnt want to be late and have to pay the late fee. We drove back to the hostel, unloaded the car and went to the petrol station to fill up the petrol before taking it back to the garage. When we got there the guy at the garage told us that the other car had broken down on the inland track as they had run out of petrol, so they had to send someone over to go and help them. The man checked over our car and it was fine so he took us back to the hostel and we had our long awaited shower which was really nice after 3 days of sand everywhere!! We cooked the left over sausages for dinner then started drinking. Once the other car got back we played flip cup - what an amazing game, it one we shall teach everyone back home!! We were all drunk by half 7! After we drunk the bar dry we went down to the beach for a beachparty. On the way there i hurt myself on the childrens play area :( On the beach we started a camp fire and there were lots of people with guitars so we all had a sing song. We left just after two and went to bed after a really good night.
21/12/2009 - Day 4
We were all a little hungover when we woke up this morning. We went to go and get ourselves some breakfast and me and tom had a full english and it was yummy. After breakfast we had a walk around the local shops and tom brought himself some flip flops. We went back to the hostel and tom and al played pool and ping pong for most of the afternoon while i did some much needed washing as all our clothes from fraiser were filthy. After dinner we got another evening of flip cup going but it wasnt as hard core as the night before but it was a good night.
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