We're on Koh Pangan! Its gorgeous here! We're staying in the North, avoiding the party heavy south, and its very chilled, the quietest place we've been, but still very beautiful. We've only been here for a day now and have spent it swimming in the 30 degree sea, going on a walk and having a read in our hammocks! hehe
We went for a walk to this place called Paradise Waterfall, which sounds like it was gonna be nice. But not much water, wrong season for it apprently, which we don't understand, cos we thought it was the rainy season??? Anyways, the jungle walk was still awesome, massive red ants on everything! so had to be carefull, no stings though. We walked pretty much to the top and took some pictures, checked out some fish in the pools, and then started making our way back down.
Thats when we met our little friend. I nearly missed him, but Kim spotted him getting defensive as i walked past. This six inch lizard with its tail raised in the air for defense! It was really cool. We have pictures of it in the photo albums. We're thinking its some kind of Agama lizard but if anyone fancies doing any extensive googling we'd be very grateful!
There was a massive storm in the night last night, although I (Tom) knew nothing of it having slept straight through! But the weather has been beautful the whole time we've been here, in the day anyway! We're thinking of spending one or two more nights here and then heading on down to Koh Samui, the last island we have to visit on this side of Thailand.
Hope everyones ok, leave us a message
Tom and Kim
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