I miss you both... it all looks amazing tho.. there's absolutely sod all to tell you in comparison when you get back!
i'm also jealous of the Lemur-times!
Mell Et Ilia
Super ! on a vu toutes les photos et on amerait bien faire la même chose plus tard ! tu as de la chance. Gros gros bisous et comme maman, on te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire.
avec un peu de retard, je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire ma Kim chérie. Je vois que tout va bien ; quel voyage ! tu nous raconteras quand tu passeras par chez Nous ?! Bisous à tous les deux et amusez-vous bien.
Hi Tom and Kim
Hello both. I bet you can't wait to get back to the UK. Yes, that was a joke. The recent pics were great, as always.
It's snowing hard here. You probably don't remember snow. I'll keep some in the freezer for you and give it to you when you come back.
Love Dad x x
Hi Tom and Kim again
More great pics. Sky looks amazing (blue that is - I remember blue) although flies not so good. You look as though you are still having a great time.
Love Dad x x
Norman And Jay
Enjoyed reading all your blog and looking at the pictures. Stay safe. Happy Birthday Tom. Norman and Jay
Jack And Wendy
Hello you two! Just a quick message to say sorry for the lack of correspondance recently, we've been having a nightmare trying to get the internet in our flat and are still waiting! (it was supposed to be sorted on 30th September... Grr...) Those pictures are awesome, I can't believe you've been moving crocodiles!!! Me and Wendy are settling into London life well, PhD is going okay, although I'm getting a little bored of reading about plankton! Wendy's working in admin for the treasury, but hopefully getting a more suitable job soon! We'll be back in proper contact soon (if we EVER get the internet!). Hope you are both well, we miss you!
Love Jack and Wendy xx
Hi Tom and Kim
Your last pictures are the best yet. They are amazing.
Just try to retain all your limbs as I am sure that you will miss them if you lose any.
Love Dad x x
Hay Tom and Kim,
Thanks kim for giving me opportunity to look at your web blog. I am so happy for you two and I wish you the best.
Kim! Why you don't send me the availabilities and arrivals and departures? I/A & O/N hahahah. You still can do that there as well but not with human details heheheh.
I missed you guys, jealous but not with that green snake (Tom! you look a pro on that pic).
Guys, have fun and never forget that life is full of experiences and joys.
Tom don't let Kim to eat your food and specially chocolates hehehe.
Take care guys and hope to hear your voices again.
Love, Mahdi xxx
Wendy And Jack
Just been reading the latest installment, love the story about the orangs escaping!! The photos are brilliant, Jack especially liked the wild boar taking a snooze! Jack also says he bets Tom hated the stick insect because of its spindliness! We are horribly jealous as you look like you are having such an amazing experience!
Hope you are ok (Tom looks thin, I hope you are managing to eat!)
Love Wendy and Jack xx
Hi Tom and Kim
The last blog post and phots were the best yet. Brilliant! You lucky little sods.
Love Dad x x
Hehe the worst bit was looking into the bag to see what it was, expecting it to jump at me!!!