Well, ultimate change of plans. We're in Australia! Up in Darwin at the moment, and my god is it hot! Hotter than anything we experienced in Asia, which is saying something! We flew out from Singapore (cheap flight) on the 19th.
Singapore was cool, abit weird to suddenly be in a perfectly clean and modern environment after all this time. We both said it was the cleanest place we've ever seen! ever! It was also very expensive. We were only there for about two days though, so not too bad. We spent out time mostly walking! We explored the whole place in just two days, went on the Singapore Eye, apparently the tallest Ferris Wheel in the world, bigger than the london eye. We also went to the Night Safari. This zoo that only opens at 7.30pm at night and has loads of nocturnal animals, it was awesome! Saw many animals we've never even seen before anywhere else, like the Slow Loris that Kim wanted to take home.
Pictures should follow on soon aswell as a blog for Darwin.
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