Well this is our last day on Koh Tao. We've really enjoyed ourselves here. Met loads of new people and made a few good friends, dived ALOT! and successfuly passed our dive course - so we're both now open water divers! We've also been snorkelling, drinking, reading, chasing geckos (you can hear them calling "Ge-Koo" at night, (kinda in a Kazoo style). Also Kims been eating pancakes alot, theres this guy who works on a little stall that throws them around and stuff, hes pretty slick, apparently hes on Youtube under Koh Tao and pancake. How many other videos could there be!
The weather for the most part has been awesome, hot all the time, but one time we came up from a dive in the middle of a monsoon! It was terrible! Freezing cold, dead choppy sea, rain and wind! We've never been so sea sick in our lives! and we still had another dive to do that day! I (Tom) was so sick that i couldn't lift my head, or listen to our dive instuctions. We had to do a "James Bond style" entry, where you jump out of the boat and flip onto your back, i heard none of this, took a guess at what we were supposed to do, and performed the worst belly flop of my life! Very funny, but very embarrasing! and its all on film!! We bought the video! You should have seen kim trying to do air rings under water too, also hilarious!
Also TOms had our first case of Travellers sickness, and it was really bad, two days wihtout food becasue of it in the end. But alls well again now!
We're leaving for Koh Pangan tomorrow morning, its the next island south, and is alot bigger. Should be good.
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