Our latest entry
Vietnam/lao, Vietnam
Once again it's been a while since our last Blog and so much has happened I can't think of a single story.....................
Vietnam has been great fun even with the constant near death experience of crossing a street! Have you seen the Video of Tom? We had the most amazing dive in Nha Trang where we were taken through some small caves f…
gemma I am so jealous... i love lemur... they're amazing... I even have a lemur puppet called juniper... dude.. i LOVE lemur... bring one for me... go back to Oz for the Lemur!x
re: Ring Tailed Lemursgemma OMG you met Jabba the Hut!
re: Sheep on Steroidswendy oh my god how adorable!!!
re: Zoe the KoalaJack Is that a bottle of Budvar I spy lying on the ground? ; )
re: PossumJack Haha! Go on Jack! Chow down! Brilliant.
re: Evil Jack!!!Jack Haha, you're holding this one like it's some form of crazy crocodile guitar!
re: photo from 29 October 2008Dad Tom Lay off the bananas, you're putting on weight. You need a shave too. Otherwise, you look fine. Love Dad x x
re: 'Jackee'