Well another awesome day in Koh Phangan, although Tom started it badly by being woken up by the Thai "talking" bird. Got a film of it but can't add it for some reason :( but they's a picture of him, anyways it makes crazy noises and Tom ended up stuffing bits of toilet paper in his ears which was a fun site to wake up to hehe...
We went on another walk, this time to a secluded beach called bottle beach. It was quite a difficult walk through the jungle in the heat going up and up and up the hills but it was amazing and the beach was very nice. Plus we saw another Lizard, this one was quicker to run away so the pic isn't that good. Will have a check later as to what it cold be :) Was so rewarding arriving to this beach in the middle of the jungle after 2 and a half hour walk.....Can't remember wanting to jump in the sea more than then!
Took a boat back which was much more relaxing, especially since the sea was calm and neither of us felt seasick! Phew hehe
Off to the last of the Islands Tomorrow: Koh Samui. It's bigger and more touristy so we won't gona bother but we'v discovered they's a snake farm and an aquarium with turtles!!!!!!!
Lots of Love Tom & Kim
PS: sorry for any spelling mistakes (Kim)
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