Day 6
I left Wawa after having one of the best sleeps of my trip. I think I passed out at around 10PM and then woke up in the same position this morning. I packed and headed over to the local hardware store to get a gas can. Felt a lot safer carrying that along (though I haven't needed to use it yet) I drove on to Terrace Bay, still in Ontario. Saw some great scenery, and hated that most of the awesome places you want to stop and take pics are the very places you think a truck could end your life. So I tried my best to get some good pics for you all but again, they just dont do the places justice at all.
No more cows now that I'm out of farm areas and into just forests and lakes. But I did see a wolf crossing the road. THAT was pretty freaking cool. I slowed down, and wanted to stop and take his pic, but he had this kind of slow walk and funny look in his eye, like he hadn't eaten in days and I was a nice big hotdog.
The ride into Thunder Bay was pretty boring. I tried to hostel it there in town, but there was no answer when I called, and I couldn't find the street. I did stop at a micky D's again to hopefully get wifi, but no chance there. Then all of a sudden this TOTALLY wacky lady came out of McDonalds and struck up a convo with me. Not before yelling at this other lady for littering. She said "She was a native too" with a disgusted tone. (that being said, so far I get the impression from most Canadians that they're not to fond of the Native americans there) Anywayz...the crazy lady...She was old, like well....hard to say, she just had ca-RAAAAZY written all over her, she started to yell at other people in the parking lot to help me find a campsite in town. I just wanted to get the F out of there. The Kwazy lady called ME a YoYO for wanting to go to Alaska while this other lady was giving me directions to a local campsite. Unfortunately I was not paying one bit of attention cause she had the BROWNEST teeth I've ever seen. Now not to pass judgement, as she WAS being nice and trying to get me to this campsite, but EWWWWWWW.
So, I thanked brown teeth, and rode out to find this campsite. My GPS actually knew where it was...amazing! I get off the bike, take off my helmet, my gloves. Walk over to the door of the front office of the campsite, and its locked....with a sign..
be back at 4:30 (it was only 3!) No way I was going to wait 1.5 hours for this campsite. It was still sunny and nice out. time to hit the road...
I made it to Upsula, Ontario. which is where my BUTT said. "dude...its time to call it a day"
So, I found this little piddly campsite run by a 13 year old kid and his much older sister of probably 16.weird. whatever.... campsite $18 WOOHOO! that works for me. the place was pretty deserted, no other tenters. just a lot of RV's everywhere, but no signs of people. no biggie. So i set up camp, and went to hit the showers.
I ate dinner at the gas station/camp headquarters/resteraunt and ordered up some chicken. BTW, its becoming impossible to eat good on the road. seriously!!!
by now, no wifi, and no phone service I was starting to miss, well ...everyone. Day 6 and Im starting to feel lonely out here, and having no means to contact anyone REALLy is hard. So not feeling to well tonight.
Im also getting sick of Ontario. I hope to be out of here tomorrow. I also really need to wash clothes. Im running out, and cant rewear the stinkness that is my bag of dirty clothes. I also hate that I can't call Ashley, text Kiwi, or basically hear from anyone right about now.
Seeing the wolf was pretty cool. I also drove into central time zone (finally) and today Im WAY under budget, which barely happens, but rocks when it does.
I miss everyone. Oh, and I dropped the bike AGAIN. totally wasnt my fault. I pulled over to take some pics. slid on some dirt/gravel, and the bike & me went down. I also havent touched my guitar ONCE, and still watching this oil leak. its slow, and I think its a bad gasket or something in the primary. just pisses me off that its basically a new bike and I have to deal with this too. sigh
miles today: 390
total miles: 1,769
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