Day 19
I feel like I've been gone for longer.
Today was another day to just put as many miles in the books as I possibly could. I left green river, and rode east on Hwy 70. Once in Colorado, it was a gorgeous ride through the rockies, past all the yellow aspens, and ski/snowboard resorts like Vail (which is where I stopped for lunch) I love Vail, its so beautiful there!
I've done this route before, many many moons ago by car with a girlfriend at the time. So, it was kind of cool to revisit some of this trip by motorbike.
However, once I made it to Denver, I shot north a bit. Well Northeast to be exact to head into Nebraska. Why Nebraska? Why the F not? I've already been through boring Kansas, so I reckon a ride through boring Nebraska can be another state crossed off my list.
Sterling, which is where I am now, is a beat city. Nothing to speak of, it already looks like Nebraska. I cannot even see the Rockies behind me anymore, and I do believe that Nebraska is less then an hour away.
One good thing, is my motel room is pretty friggin sweet. The nicest room I've stayed in so far on this leg of the trip for sure.
Sorry for the boring blog. Nothing exciting happened today.
488 miles today
5,193 total miles
1,658 miles from home. I may detour up North a bit, we'll see. Im not sure the rear tire will make it back to PA, I hope it does. The rest of the bike is still pretty beat up, but seems to be running OK. My knee is still banged up, but I think doing better.
till next time
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