Solo Travel
At first I thought I'd blog about all the 'problems' associated with solo travel; then I thought that's a bit of a downer!
You know? Those things like feeing a bit awkward walking into a cafe or restaurant alone: "yes, table for one, thank you..." or going to the loo and having your spot taken as the waiter presumed you were gone....and stuff like that!
So, in the name of true "equality" here's my pluses for solo jaunts!
You decide when, what and where you eat, how much, how often and whatever you like!
You can linger as long as you like in that shop your friend or 'other half' can't stand!
You get the BEST seats at musicals, shows and movies: one single seat is a s***load easier to find in the 3rd row from the front (or front) than that tiresome booking for 6 of ya mates!
You don't have to talk s***e or argue about things that you couldn't care less about! Political views and weather talk is non existent!
You can drink as much as you like and not be judged!
You meet more people randomly because nobody is getting envious, jealous or (again) judging!
You go on the tours and transport that you love. No compromise necessary!
You don't get to be the brunt of another persons tired, angry or disappointed whinge session. It's just you!
You don't have to slow down or wait!
You can make snap, last minute decisions and feel justified and sometimes even clever as f***!
You make as much noise as you like in your room: anytime! Fart, s***, sneeze, cough, hark, sing, hell, even cry without judgement!
You can leave the toilet seat UP!
You (or in this case me) can be as anal as I like: unpack my toiletries bag one by one, set up my bedside table and have the air con as hot or cold as I bloody well like!
Hey! Did I mention having the air conditioning at whatever temperature I like!?
When you eat a meal you can read a book, paper, magazine or (god help me) look at your device to your hearts content!
You can flirt, f**k or fratinise with whomever you feel like: any time of the day or night...and, never be cheating or unkind!
In the immortal words of Muriel: my life is as good as an ABBA song! It's better than Dancing Queen!
...swap seats!?
- comments
Mum & Dad (Dad this time !!) Great Report Troy--Couldn't agree with you more !!!
Helene Yes so many upsides to the single life people don't realise.. enjoy your non nagged freedom doing whatever you like xx
Gerri Torpy I totally agree!
Sally Geesus creepers she writes a lot but at least she is not her usual negative Nancy self lol
Richard All very true Troy
Troy I still agree! Even after my holiday! A great sign! (-: