Wills and James Road Trip
Day Nine 23.03.05
William got up before James (no surprise there) James awoke shortly after to the noise of the vacuum cleaner.
Not much happened today, we went looking for the village nearby but we must have taken a wrong turn. We did a big circle and ended up at Hyper U in Chantonnay (About fifteen kilometres away)
We got some food and flowers and then we decided to wash the van which was looking very dirty. On the way home we stumbled across a sign for the local village, maybe we will find it tomorrow.
Later, James was trying to read a local book on the civil war in the vendeen militaire 1793-1799 called 'Genocide' when William suggested we play a game. James agreed as although the book was interesting it was a bit intense and graphic for a relaxing read.
The game of choice was Scrabble. It seemed to go on for an eternity and words rarely exceeded four letters. William won the game (at last) and James tried to explain that it was a game of luck rather than skill but he was obviously a sore looser, James returned to read more on the Civil War as it was less effort than debating the matter.
Whilst getting into a good bit of the book William decided that it would be a good time to watch a DVD on the laptop next to me. Finding it difficult to concentrate on the book and listen to the Hell Boy soundtrack I decided to read my book out loud in protest. Once again the book had to be put down to watch the film which turned out to be a dodgy copy and became unmatchable about half an hour in. Back to the book for James.
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