after last blog i went straight to mcdonalds, or mcthai? it was amzing but whilst there i realised we must have all been drugged last night *disclaimer - drama queen. i definitely dont think drinking 4 litres of red bull was it all all. we realised whilst looking at a lady carrying hare/rabbit in a baby sling with a nappy on that we might be gansta tripping or we might have actually seen the most randomn thai lady in history. either way i had the shakes. when waitin gin the hotel to head to our overnight train to bangkok looking at Brydies and Janines photos we realised that our lives have became the hangover 3 gangdam style. serioulsy a lot of pictures we dont remember. Brydie that night got a lift home to the laos border from a man on a motorbike where she may or may not have fell off. or she may have been ran over by a car or a boat. we have many theories, the bottom line is that we have no idea what happend to her but she feels wrecked from head to foot, ribs included. amazingly i managed to not injur myself apart from a teeny broken toe from walking in to step. we are now also covered in bites that we think are from the tigers or the cockroach bar. thats if you can remember the cockroach bar - i think Brydie beleived we may have made it up. she also has no memory of the samsong which is where the problem started probably. the overnight train to bangkok was so funny we got amazing food (not) and a beer was about 10quid kinda. and there was a 60s happy days bar in there which freaked me out. we played cards with dr pete and tong and dr pete nearly made us all fall asleep with his 'interesting cards" shame on him indeedy!! i had beer thrown at me several times and all over my bed. nice. it was the most comfortable sleeper train thats for sure tho!! i had a canny good sleep happening, before i went to bed i did see several cockroaches. i need to get over my fear as beach bungalows are calling. i cant bloody wait to get some chilling out time. our hotel here in bangkok has a pool though which is always a happy bonus for me. anyways i think i am over my bout of heatstroke (alcohol poisoning) i spent a lot of yesterday preparing for death on the train but it turns out i survived and i am ready to hit the town tonight. im really sad as its our last day on the tour with all and its gonna be weird when we all have to say bye. going to miss Brydie tons me and Janine are planing on kidnapping her and telling her work she is in quaratine and cant leave the country. this may also happen to me, the diseases here are terrible though. anyways off to grand palace now. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ps i still miss laos!!
- comments
Angela Morren Ah the grand palace. Can;t beleive your tour is nearly done but I think the chill time will be good. Those tours are full on 24/7 like. You bought me any presents yet, sick of hearing what you've bought yourself haha. I have recovered from my hangover. Also think I may get you some old school school sandels for your broken toe, this seems to be a regular occurance I think you need more sensible foot wear lol. xxx
Fernanda Darn you! I swore I couldn't affrod to buy any more of these but TARDIS. <3 I absolutely cannot resist anything that has ginger cats AND Doctor Who. Great job on this one, guys. =D