Sabadi all, we went from the capital to Vang Vien by bus it was a few hours drive not too bad, and the views were getting amazing. its kinda a lake district kinda place which is pretty cool. me and anna got in to our room and it was amazing wood cabin kinda feel, we had a balcony that facedon to the mekong river andall the mountains. it was so beautiful. when we got there we did a boat trip down the mekong to see where we would be going tubing the next day. it was on a lovely long wooden boat only fit 2 plus the driver it was pretty cool. it was thundering on the way round and rainng but it was still so lush and pretty!! that night after dinner we wentout for a few drinks of course. we did the ymca on the street (photos on fb) and then i discovereda book called emergency sex so a whole loada pics got taken with that book in the shot of course. we are extremely childish here. and Brydies sex face could win an Oscar!!
that night i couldnt sleep as it was sooo hot in our room, and then the thunder started. it was a proper storm. thunder, lightening the works it was amazing(ly loud) i watched out of the window for a while but not for long as my mozzie net didnt cover me and malaria is high risk here with us been 2 meters from the mekong. the hotel also had some amazingly huge bugs. i have no idea what most of them are. big green things? also big crickets and big mths and cockroaches. nice nicey nice. not. i hate bugs i think its getting worse the longer im here.
the next day we went tubing on the mekong. google it. it has a naughty repuation for deaths a go go. i thought it best to tell people after the event and not prior to save on worry time! we did it the safe way though and didnt hit the bars on each stop. we just chilled on the river and all got BURNT of couse. even Dr Pete didnt realise he would burn ont he water in 100degree heat. i did cream up but still managed to burn my legs not to bad though andi am brown already!! to go tubing we got some super cool waterpoof bags which i will take out for a rave one day!! it lasteda good few hours, we then got a tuk tuk to a waterfall, and we trekked and trekked and then made it, then we went swimming in it. it was totally fab!! one of the best experiences ever, the water was so good and cool, we drank from the waterfall it was just out of this world we were all beaming the whole time we were in there. totally loved it!! we spend a good few hours there. the boys tried to come down it like a slide which was hill;arious as they failled miserably. they underestimated the strength of the water fall of course. what theyre teaching kids these days is beyound me!! on the way back to the tuk tuk i decided i needed a piggy back as im such a princess so i picked matt to be the chosen one. bad choice i think he definately weighs less than me, so 2 step in and he puts his foot in a hole and ooops there he goes or there we go. straight in to the bushes into nettles ouch, my hip is now sporting a massive bruise like biugger than 2 of my hands seriously. and its a big lump. my camera screen is now also smashed and i can see 25% of the screen. im hoping the pics are still taking? no idea tho to be fair. my brand new ray bans got done too and they were at least $1. oops my arm got seriously nettled too. shame on him haha was so funny though. at least we didnt fall on a bees nest or down the mountain! i am the most accident prone person in the world!
after thetuk tuk ride back me and janine went for a traditional Laos massage with oil which was like 3quid or summit for 1 hour full body it was so good! i asked for soft massage and did spend some time squiriming as i am tickly but it was lush and i actually fell asleep in it. we got green tea at the end too. it was lush, we had our room for 2 on small mattresses on the floor so looked random and they used johnsons baby oil! and also tiger balm. mmmmmm i want another one now!!
we had a early night l;ast night it was nice but also boiling again, the hotel is def the best one we have had so far though as it is so beautiful the location of it and the views are just wow. more storms again. tong says a big storm has hit SE asia. it seems fine here though just arrived in luang prabang today a nice 7or 8 hour jhourney here. a good few stops included in that though. one of the stops was really high up the montains so it was amazing views again. this really is the best country in SE Asia people are just lush like home! we then stopped in a village and went to a school to give the kids biscuits and to play with them they were absolutely gorgeous!! i could have spend the whole day there, they were posing for pics. Janine was teaching them how to dance this amazing korean dance - i will be bringing it back with me haha.
we then stopped in a nanother village where we got to feed a monkey which was funny it kept trying to grab me like a gypsy which makes me wonder if you have laos gypsy in your Our Claire.
anwyas we made here eventually in luang prabang and tomorrow it a trip to see elephants for feeding, riding etc. and then a waterfall. whoop. lyly peoplex xxx
- comments
Claire Bear My 2 fav things rolled into one, monkeys and gypos! Unbelieavble! Haha please stop tellin us what a fantabulous time u are having it hurts my heart! Mainly due to the adverse weather conditions at home which are amber flood warnings. Once again the world aka the north eaat came to a stand still and 10 hours later i arrive at work! U just think bout this while ur lying on a beach or up a mountain jumping a boy in a bush n moaning about gettin burnt. Seriously tho super pleased its amaaaaazen! U deserve it to be. take care me little cherrub speak soon xxx
Angela I still wanna be there so jealous!!!!!! Hope your camera is ok though xx
tracy yep it appears to be working but just cant see what im taking pics of or change settings. i may buy a new one when i get to bangkok. no chance of getting one here tho! xxxxx