Another big, sprawling Latin American city with no great charms and a terrible rep for violence, so we only stopped for one day.
Wandered around briefly and went for a great Asian meal with everyone followed by beers in the most unatmostpheric Irish pub ever enountered before trotting back past all the lady boys and hookers lurking on the street corners. And our hostel was in the nicer part of town!
And as it turns out, it was well de dodgy...the last after we left we heard tale of our very hostel having suffered an armed robbery which saw travellers all searching "What to do in an armed robbery" as they sat quaking at their terminals.
In the morning, we bid a sad farewell to our Oz compatriots as they headed to the waves and carried on with the Kiwis deep into the cloud forest for some animal action and lava chasing....
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