Crossed La Frontera with a lot less stress this time being the middle of the week and began our days travelling to the Nicoya Peninsula. Reached Playa Coco in the late afternoon after three bus changes from one big bus to a smaller bus, to an even smaller bus and a donation of 100 colones (10p) from a friendly Tico to complete the final legs of our mammouth journey after we ran out of local currency!
Sadly Playa Coco was a bit of a let down for us. Really Americanised, overdeveloped, lots of building work and overweight American ex-pats in golf buggies puttering 100 yards from one bar 'n' grill to another.
Plus there was the over powering stench of the new sewerage works and septic tank action combined with the ludicrously expensive beers meaning we bailed after one night. We had planned to do our first dive in months to see the manta rays but turned out the visibility was rubbish because it is just out of rainy after a fab Mrs Miggins style tuna dinner we bid a fond farewell to retiree Ray - the friendly owner of our cabinas and trigger happy former sheriff - and legged it further south to Montezuma.
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