Managed to cross into Argentina legally and without being anally probed which was good. Even got stamps in our passports.
This was after our second attempt to get stamps for Paraguay but instead managed to get two entry stamps for Brazil and no exit one because we lost some super important piece of paper and Paraguay actually refused us entry!! We have officially been banned from a country...oh yes...rock and roll. Ended up having to sneak back into Brazil for a second time in as many days....still with no Paraguyan stamp.
So anyway, Puerto Iguacu is a lovely little town, totally different to its Brazilian mate, really chilled and quite, with dusty red streets and all-you-can-eat BBQ meat everywhere!
Spent the whole day at their side of the falls, which to be honest makes the Brazilian side look a little tame. Threw ourselves into the Grande Adventure with a jeep ride through the jungle looking at interesting trees? before jumping in a speed boat and heading through some hairy rapids to the foot of the falls.....where we were driven actually under the water!!
We were warned we would get a little wet...but a proper soaking was more like it. It was like a giant weight of water was just chucked on you head and you couldn´t open your eyes for fear of having them washed out.
In his wisdom, our driver, wisely wearing a full fishermans rainslicker, took us under three times just to make sure our pants were wet too!
Spent the rest of the afternoon exploring all the catwalks which go up close and personal to all the falls and wildlife spotting. Saw a baby croc, millions of butterflies, hunted a guinea for tea and had to save our sarnies from some cheeky racoon-types.
But the absolute highlight was the Garganta del Diablo......after a cute train ride and an unassuming 3 km catwalk across the river, we arrived at the edge of the falls. The platform was literally hanging over the falls, just suspended about a metre above tonnes of water! And it shook in the wind!
After about 40 minutes scaring ourselves about falling in and working out where we would hang on and various escape routes we retreated back to the safety of the hostel.
Celebrated our lack-of-falling-to-a-watery-grave with a slap up steak and chips at Argie´s Mrs Miggins Meat
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