haha this photo! I dont him by the way!
So im still in Cairns, weather is fab here at the moment. Lovely and hot! I have finished my job now :( but all good things must come to an end! Relaxing by the pool in our back garden, hard life in Australia!
Im a little bit stuck with what to do next. The banana picking option isnt really going as planned, heaps of people already doing it etc. So I think now I will catch a flight down to Melbourne and see what happens from there. I can look for fruit picking work there and plus least I can leave Cairns and see somewhere else. I wanted to go to WA but I really dont have enough money for that, its really expensive to get over there and there isnt a great deal to do, that doesnt cost the earth anyway!
So thats a shame but never mind. Weather in Melbourne isnt great either but its coming into summer soon and it will get blisteringly hot I would imagine. Extending the visa would be great though but im not going to go crazy trying to find a way to do it, should just enjoy my time now!
I have booked a hostel for Christmas and New Years in Sydney, which cost me a fortune But never mind its supposed to be great fun and im sure it will be. Just sit on the beach on Christmas day and giggle at all the crazy people dressed up as santa on jet skis!!
Im going up to Cape Tribulation tomo, which should be nice. I manged to break another camera (sorry grandpa, im useless!!!) so bought another one to try out up there. very pissed off!!! Anyway its where the rainforest meets the reef so it should be beautiful. the chap I rent my room from is going aswell so he is taking me as Im too poor to get a bus (and cant be bothered with all that anyway!).
So grandpa if your reading this shaking your head I dont blame you!! I have probably spent more money on cameras than I have anything else since I left the UK!!!!! GGrrrr!
Lots of love scilly rebecca! :) xxxx
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