Slept at Christchurch airport the night before our flight. We had to check in at 4 so didnt see the point in booking a nights accomodation! It was rather uncomfortable..a new experience though. In case its not clear I decided to change my flights from Melbourne and fly into Brisbane instead. Ruben and Lenneke the Dutch couple I was working with in Christchurch happened to be flying the same day so we thought it would be cool to travel the East coast together! Flight was ok, got breakfast and they didnt on their flight hehe. I could see the Gold coast as I flew into Brisbane...awesome to see Australia! Woohoo sun!!
Met up with Ruben and Lenneke just before passport through no problems...didnt even ask for proof of funds or anything about my visa which I found strange (a lot easier than I thought!). I had some things to declare and a funny little man from immigration came running over to me and ask to see what I had to declare. I was only a ring I had bought and a shell. He seemed more interested in me and where I was staying and what my favourite drink was!!!!! LOL...strange! Not quite what I expected from customs!!!
Spent the day in Brisbane, really good first impressions. Sat in the Botanical gardens and soaked up the Brisbane sun and the atmosphere. Met Uncle Matt and Desiree in a pub (hehe) and then went back to theirs and had a bbq and some wine on the balcony. Nice to see them!! Awesome to be in Oz!!!! It was lovely and warm can I add..about 25+ yay! And I already saw 3 big brown spiders and I mean big!
Brisbane 3rd may- Went out into Brisbane and did a few trips on the boat along the river and to South bank. Really cool views of the city and they were celebrating the Budda's birthday so the place was packed it was cool though. There is even a swimming pool and a fake beach located here, although Matt told us later all the Bris-vegas-ites say its full of kids wee...nice!
Went out into Brisbane with Matt and Des that night ended up in a really cool indie bar playing the best music it was awesome, we really enjoyed it there!! check the pics out.
Brisbane 4th May - recovered from the previous night out and then headed to a bbq of some of Matts friends. A real aussie barbie! It was really good fun, more wine to be drank and people to meet! Its true what the rest of Oz say about the Queensland men though....shirts undone and funny medallions..LOL! I thought they were kidding! We had a really nice time though!
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