Hello Everyone!
Its me again the one in Australia! So now I am in Cairns and have been here for about 4 days. Lenneke and Ruben left the day before yesterday and are now in Hong Kong. It was sad to say goodbye to them, we had so much fun and they made me laugh the whole time! Ah well there you go...I have met tonnes of new people already.
I have been snorkling on the Great Barrier Reef which was awesome. Saw a Green Turtle as soon as I plonked my head under the water...awesome! The visiblity was pretty good so the coral was beautiful all different colours etc!! Lots of fish in big Shoales, bright green and rainbow coloured. Saw lots of Characters from that Nemo film. Including Nemo so that was funny. Cool trip saling on a catmaran over the Great Barrier I never thought I would do that!
So whilst I have been in Cairns I have been sampling the night life which is pretty crazy, good fun though! Including some place where everyone ends up... the Woolshed! I have found a job, working in a nice hostel and its paid, about 450 dollars a week around 225 pounds not bad and its free accom! Job includes driving guests/lazy backpackers around Carins and picking them up from the airport and down to the marina lol and generally showing them a good time! Woohoo so hopefully I will get that or I will be home before you all know it lol. Should find out on Thurs.
The weather is terrible here!!! Its like Monsoon season or something, whats that all about. They said the wet season is over but I disagree!!!!!! I did not sign up for rain! Its still warm though and its only showers so ok im over exaggerating a wee bit! But I bet its better in old Blighty though...damn it!!
Booking a hostel soon for New Years in Sydney, gets booked up really quickly so I need to get in there to make sure im there lol!
Miss you all Lots of love becs xxxx
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