Hi Chaps!
Well we have been up to lots of exciting things since I last wrote on here. We left the Franz Josef Village yesterday but before we left we had to catch a glimpse of the glacier closer up. We went for a little walk as far as we could go its really cool. We then drove the 20kms or so down to the next glacier village called Fox (no retlation to the Fox's Glacier mints though apparently...disappointing!). Its nicer here and a bit more laid back, which is what we like! Also we came here purely to climb the glacier as its cheaper here than at Franz Joesf and to be honest a glacier is a glacier really! They are actually pretty amazing as its only here in NZ and in South America that glaciers are found so close to sea level..awseome hey!
So today we went for our hike up the glacier...its not everyday you can climb a glacier! It was sooo cool and cold. Wierd how it gets a lot cooler in such a short space of time. We had crampons on our boots which helped grip the ice. The formations are amazing aswell. We climbed through crevises and saw waterfalls through the ice and also rather scarrily named 'death holes', which apparently if you fall never come out.....eeekk!!!
Our guide was really cool too lovely young girl, I was quite jealous she was doing this for a living, 5 days a week! Anyway we must have been on the ice for ages when suddenly we had to climb up a really steep part...the guide cut through the ice for us and made steps which was good. But guess what happened to poor Rebecca...clumpsey fool...yes I slipped!! But I didnt just slip...i kept on slipping for what felt like forever..I didnt know where I was going. The guy infront tried to hold on to me but I slippped...Marlin tried to hold on to me...but I slipped haha! Eventually two French guys grabbed hold of my rucksack and held me back whilst a tall American vet stood infront me and got me off the floor haha!!!!!!!!
How embarassing is that!!! My legs were bleeding and by bottom felt like it was on fire due to Ice Burn or something! I was quite ok though didnt hurt that badly...silly people were panicking but I kept saying im fine...some people! But its was funny I was just laughing after getting over the intial shock it was like a giant, cold slide!! Ah knew that would make you all giggle!
So after the all day walk on the ice block...with rain and all we came back to the campsite and I doused my kness and had a hot shower! We are off to a bar tonight for some good food as we cant be bothered to cook!
Oh yes yet another thing of mine as coat has now due to the fall. Dont worry this time I managed to get our guide to write me a letter so hopefully I can claim it on insurance!
We are off down to lake Wanaka tomo...logn drive but will be stopping off on the Hasst Pass which should be good...nearly skydiving time....eekk!
Lots of love Becs xxx
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