Our last day in Abu Dhabi. In the morning we took Mom and Dad back to heritage village and we went out for a walk on yas island. In the afternoon we napped.
Then we went to Alex’s graduation festivities. Supper was served before hand and we took lots of photos. Unfortunately, I did not take many photos on this phone.
The graduation ceremony did not start until 845 pm. After iftar. It was not as boring as I expected. John Kerry was the guest speaker. I was super surprised by how American somethings were. But was also surprised by the gushing over the Abu Dhabi government officials. It was over the top at times. While it is true that they have greatly improved their country and the lives of their people, things are certainly not as positively perfect as nyu Abu Dhabi personal seem to make it out to be. Anyway I guess he who pays the piper calls the tune.
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