Tamara's Travels
Much travelling has occured over the last month and now it's time to refill the bank account and start saving for my big Contiki Tour in the summer.
I've got 2 days, which could extend to 3 permanent days at one school. This is great to have guaranteed work every week. I'm basically job sharing with the Deputy Headteacher to teach the year 3 class. Having a few teething problems dealing with some boys who have no respect for females. *sigh* But me being me, I'm stubborn and tenatious I'm sticking it out, learning heaps, and thanks to the class teacher, gaining loads of insights and strategies. All makes for great, brilliant teacher. Well one is hoping so *grin*
However, although London is great, the schools are hard work, and the expense it getting too much. So I've been applying for permanent jobs out of London. To date I've applied for jobs in the Oxford and Warwick areas. Both lovely and easily accessible from London so that I can come back regularly for weekends to visit friends and do more touristy things, and to travel from. I'll keep you informed, but cross your fingers for me, really looking for a great school that is flexible and forward thinking in their approaches to teaching.
Keep on Smilin'
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