I think it's around that time that another blog is due. Luckily for you guys this one will be a little bit shorter than the last two. Not a huge amount has happened since the last but things have moved forward so that's a bonus. I know the last blog was a bit emotionally charged but the feelings I had during that week were a bit raw. The feedback I've had since that blog have been quite amazing, the amount of people that read it and felt touched by it or related to it is a great thing to hear. People I don't know (or didn't a week ago) have been reading them and enjoying them. From family, friends, neighbours, nurses, friends of family, families neighbours and all sorts of different people within my circle, it's been great to hear what your thoughts have been about the journey I'm on, also it's been special to hear about the journeys some of you have had to go through. There are some tough cookies out there that's for sure. Thanks for sharing with me your stories just as I'm sharing mine. This is what it's all about, helping each other, lifting each other up, pulling each other through and loving each other. Simple. I love writing these, it gives me time to reflect on how I'm healing, it also let's me into other peoples hearts and brings out something in them, wether it's an emotion they forgot they had, a story they never told or wether it's just to kick them in the bum and make them realise "hey, that little thing that bugged me is actually worthless and there is nothing I can do about it". I get pleasure out of knowing that.
So you may remember that last time my medicine really caused me to break down a bit. Well since then I've had my local GP doctor up and we have set a plan to come off alot of the heavy stuff and bring the other nerve painkiller down to a minimum. Since that visit I feel completely different. I don't get the same sick feelings, my memory has improved, I don't get down in the dumps as heavy or get as low and I feel alot more alert too. Although I can feel alot more pain in the leg now, it's worth it for not feeling like crap everyday. Like I said so many times, painkillers are great for killing pain, but they also kill a bit of you off slowly over time too. Not cool in my colouring books (yes I'm very good at colouring in). That's been the biggest change on my health side of things anyhow. I still get flashbacks of the crash though, I feel everything again, the impact of the car, hitting the road, seeing my leg for the first time and then that overwhelming feeling of in denial that this was actually happening to me. I smell everything I did that day, I see the same sights, everything about that first 30 mins of the crash is so clear to me it's a bit scary but I've heard it's good to be going through this process now rather than in 6 months time. What an experience to say I lived through though, I'm grateful for my life that's for sure.
Last week the solicitor came up for the first time and we talked business. Was great to finally talk to someone that was going to fight my corner and help me get the result that is needed. The guy who hit me needs to know he has done wrong, what's to stop him doing it again, he needs to be more aware of what he is doing whilst on the road, silly billy (trust me, my words are much stronger than that but this site does not allow rude words....s***.....see). It's going to be a long process in terms of claiming, we have to wait up to 6 months for police statements etc. No rushing them that's for sure. So I just have to patient as usual and just know it's out of my hands and I'm going to be looked after by my solicitor. In other news from my part of the sticks (countryside) I have moved into a cottage next to me. My mum, stepdad and bro helped move me. It only took 1 day to move most things over and I wanted to just help them so bad so I did try but kept getting told off. This for me was a real hard day. A lot of changes, a lot of me being told to sit down and alot of me refusing too. That attitude got me right back in the evening when my knee was throbbing with pain and left me feeling down in the dumps. Also I knew Megan (girlfriend and amazing person) was due to leave to go to a festival for 5 days so I was a bit sad about that. She has looked after me everyday for 8 weeks now. So knowing that I was not going to see her, being somewhere different and hurting, I was in a crap mood to say the least. That lasted only till the next day when the sun was shining (feeling crap...not missing megs...i might get in troyble if i don't say this) and I managed to crutch my way around the gardens and sit and watch the dogs playing and smelling the gorgeous Cotswold air with the sun on my pale face. It's one of those moments again when you just except everything and realise how small the problem actually is. I've got my life, my family and more iPhone....that was a joke by the way. Although these blogs would not be possible without it, so it's handy really.
I'm due back in to Frenchay next week to see an orthopaedic specialist at long last. So will get some xrays and some answers which will be good. I also recieved my cd with my operation pictures That is some graphic stuff right there. Me and my stepdad just sat there and stared at them on 37inches of high definition and was a bit gob smacked. There are a couple of pictures on there of my back when they removed my Lat muscle and you can just see my Thai tats and crucifix tattoo right next to a massive open area looking into my back. Reminds me of one of those pictures of the human body and all the muscles you get in the old P.E books at school. Quite amazing to see to know what they did to me. Solidifies how lucky I am that we have amazing surgeons here and that I was in the right area for the best care. Lucky boy stu pot.
There have been 3 people that I have remained in contact with from my stay at Frenchay hospital. Owen, a lad from gloucester who had a nasty fall, Roger who I have mentioned about in the past and Pete who I also mentioned about before. These 3 chaps have all been through some tough times too. It's great to talk to each other from time to time just to see how everyones doing, swap words of encouragement and jokes about silly things we have done since being home. Owen actually came up to visit the other week, was good to see him healing. He is probably the guy that can relate to my injury the most as he has damaged his leg pretty bad (shattered his other ankle too) and will be healing a long time. We both have experienced lows and highs like so many people must do in the same position. Knowing that loads of people experience this on a day to day basis is almost a bit comforting because it reminds you that it's not a dead end, it's just a long road, but NOT a dead end. Just keep fighting, keep the spirits high, keep active as possible, mentally and physically and just smile everyday and know that your lucky to be alive. Life is a gift, although some gifts are a bit rubbish sometimes, it's still a gift, treat it like one, appreciate it and except it whatever it looks like. Love life to the max and remember....your never alone, ever!
Hope you still enjoy reading these, if not, please leave a message and I will be sure to ignore it, again, just joking. If you have any stories then please contact me as I love hearing them. Love to you all. Be safe and take care.
Stu x
- comments
Anon It's like stepping in to Stuart's mind temporarily with a bag of troubles, sitting down, watching a film which is a comedy, tragedy, horror, and tear-jerker all at once and then leaving and thinking that you feel much lighter all of a sudden. You realise the bag is empty and it's contents have been placed in their suitable places. Today I faced up to something I really didn't want to do because I read your blog and it gave me courage. I'm glad, because it was totally worth it and not even half as bad as I imagined. I feel that I have a lot of making up to do as I've been a pretty rubbish friend to you. I'm doing this anonymously as I don't want to be let off the hook on this one. You have clearly touched the herts of many people with this journey and I think we can safely assume that you are one of a kind. lots of hugs to you and positive thoughts.
Holly Fantastic to be reading this Stuie. So relieved that you are safe. You are obviously inspiring so many people - me included! You should exchange leg injury stories with Matt some time! Looking forward to catching up. Big hugs! :-)
Stu To anonymous - thank you very much for your comment but I can not figure out who you are and I would love to know. If you would contact me so I can say thank you I would really appreciate it. Thanks holz aswell, friends for life x
Faye Thanks for reminding me about whats important... inspiring as always. Love you millions. xxx
Mum Hey Stu, Another brilliant contribution! Your heart is sooo big and your courage and determination knows no bounds. You have truly mastered the art of being the buffalo and the butterfly. Sharing your experiences are touching so many people. May I also say to Anon - your words are profoundly felt by others. Stay true to yourself and know that Stu loves you anyway. Please contact him so he can thank you. xxxxxxx
Em Was good to see you today ikkle bro, thank you for your strength and courage, sure does puts the small stuff in perspective. Love you. x x
George Another good blog mate you should put all of this into a book as you seem to be a natural writer. It's been great seeing you out and about these past couple of days getting a bit of normality back in your life. Best of luck when you go to see the orthopaedic specialist next week.
Mum and Andy We soooo agree with you George! xxx