Did a bit of planning before setting off today as neither of us could face another day of too much walking. Caught the UBahn out to the Olympic stadium, really amazing how it's still functional after 70 odd years and perry lakes didn't even last 50. The stadium is now the home ground for Hertha BSC, the local Berlin soccer team. Had good look around then back on the UBahn (after a bratwurst) to have a look at the Victory column, built as a symbol of German unity in the 1800s. Went and had another look at the Brandenburg gate but too many tourists. Caught the SBahn to Friedrichstrasse and did a river cruise which was very relaxing. Headed home and I couldn't put it off any longer so went and got a hair cut. We are staying in the gay district so figured it would be pretty safe. Got the full treatment of massage chair while getting shampoo! Met Stephen in a bar after and he is now calling me Über woman. I like it anyway. Had Indian for dinner for a change but forgot to factor in German meal sizes so ordered enough food for half the country. You get a huge serve of rice and salad free with all dishes and the naan is as big as the table. Even got a free schnapps after. Waddled home just in time to see Sally Pearson win gold. Perfect end to our stay in Berlin.
- comments
Jules Leipold You are making me sad - what the poor people are doing.xxxxx