Big day of touristing today as this is really the first big city with lots of things that we want to do and see. We started off with a lovely coffee at a local cafe then into Alexanderplatz and went up the TV tower to take in the panorama of Berlin. Very spectacular. We then caught a bus (after taking about an hour to work out which one and in which direction) to Friedrichstrasse and walked down to Checkpoint Charlie which is now just a booth in the middle of the road. However they have a fantastic free display of photos and information as you walk up the street where the wall went. I can't believe how different it all looks, especially what was the eastern side. Had to stop for a currywurst and that was as good as we both remembered. We then walked onto Zimmerstrasse and finished up where the nazis had their secret police headquarters (since been blown up and is now a museum). Here a length of the wall is still standing and there was a display from the horrors of the rise of the nazi party until reunification in 1989. What a troubled past this country has had. Continued our marathon walk and ended up ( by accident) at the memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe. A huge area but very fitting. We then lost the plot a bit and jumped on any old bus but realized we were heading out of the city so eventually managed to get off where there was a UBahn connection. Happened to be the Nordbahnhof which was walled up during the cold war as was an easy escape route to the west, having an exit on both sides of the wall. No trains ran through this station from 1961 to 1989. A bit of trivia for you all. Caught the UBahn back to our stop as both well and truly ready for a beer as shattered from all the walking and taking in of information. Found a nice little place on the same street as our apartment so went no further! Felt much relieved after a "few" beers. Didn't feel like the standard humungous meals they serve here in Germany so luckily we found a great kebab place that a local told us was the best in Berlin. After eating the kebabs we both agreed with him. Eventually got home to a much sought after bed!
- comments
Teddy Mr. MonkMa numesc Cristian Mesaros, stnduet la Jacobs University Bremen.La 3 ani dupa daramarea cladirii Ministerului Industriei Constructoare de Masini vreau sa fac un studiu al impactului cladirii de pe Victoriei pe post de catalist al street artului din Bucuresti dar si ce a inseamnat pentru individualitatile din street artul romanesc din punct de vedere personal, pentru a picta o imagine completa atat macro dar si candid umana a fenomenului ministerului de pe VictorieiStudiul este parte a unui curs din cadrul universitati, facut impreuna cu profesor Birgit Mersmann. In functie de presiunea asupra programului vreau sa public articolul atat in afara cat si, daca se poate, in Romania.As dori sa al centrez pe relatarile tale, ale lui sam3, xpome, ABOVE si Color. In felul asta ti-as fi adanc recunoscator daca ai putea sa dedici cateva minute unor idei asupra ministerului, cum l-ai gasit, ce consideri ca a insemnat pentru cultura alternativa romaneasca, si poate ce a insemant pentru tine personal.Daca exista fotografii pe care ai vrea sa le imparti cu viitori cititori despre experienta ta cu ministerul te rog frumos sa o faci.Multumesc foarte mult si sper sa avem oportunitatea sa colaboram impreuna, eventual si face to face, desi in momentul asta stau in Bremen. Sunt absolut deschis in cazul in care consideri ca ai vrea sa mai discutam asupra temei.Succes in continuare,[email protected]